5 | Passing the Time

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**Jenna's POV**

"Ha, a straight, I win!!" I throw my cards onto the couch between us, bragging about my victory.

"There is no way you have never played poker before to be this good."

"Maybe it's just beginner's luck?" 

"It's a good thing we're not playing for money, I'd be broke." He grumbled, taking the cards to shuffle and deal us another hand. "Ok, Miss Card Shark, this is the last hand. Winner takes all."

"All what? We're not playing for anything."

"All the bragging rights."

I look at my cards and see I have two pair. "I'll take one card, dealer." I give him my best intimidating glare, trying hard not to crack a smile.

After dealing me one more card and one foe himself, Peter laid his cards out for me to see. "Read 'em and weep, Sweetheart, two pair, 5's and jacks."

He looks so proud of himself, I almost hate to crush me, "Full house, aces over queens."

"No!!" He runs his fingers through his disheveled hair, not believing my luck. "I think I'm going to go take shower."

"Ok, are you getting hungry, I could make lunch while you do that." I offered.

He smirks at me teasingly, "Sure your culinary skills can handle that?"

"Ha ha, smarty pants. I promise not to burn down your cabin."

Peter went into the bathroom while I searched the kitchen for an idea for lunch. I decided that considering the weather, grilled cheese and tomato soup would be a perfect lunch.

Everything was done when Peter appeared in the kitchen, freshly showered, his dark hair damp and combed back away from his face.

"So, I was thinking after lunch I would try to get the shovel out of the shed and clear some snow away from the doors and maybe even my car. The weather still isn't safe for driving, but the more snow I move now, the easier it will be when this storm finally passes for us to get you home." He said taking a bite of his grilled cheese.

"I can help you."

"I only have one shovel. You just stay inside and keep that fire going. I'll need it when I get back inside."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Peter. It's pretty cold out there and that wind is crazy."

"I'll take frequent breaks so I'm not out there too long. Plus, I'm sure your professional nursing skills will come in handy if anything were to happen to me."

"I'd rather not use them if I don't have to."

We finished our lunch in a comfortable silence before Peter started bundling up to go outside.

"The shed is just out back over here, if it makes you feel any better, you can check on me through that window over there."

"That actually would make me feel a little better, thank you. I'll check on you as soon as I'm done cleaning up lunch."

Peter went outside and I started washing up the dishes. I found myself thinking about how fortunate I was to have found such a kind man to take me in during this storm. It didn't hurt that he was damn sexy as well.

It took me about 20 minutes to clean up the dishes and I made my way to the window to check on Peter. I could barely make out the shed, but I didn't see Peter at all. I thought maybe he was in the front clearing a path from the door to his car. I looked out the front window and no sign of Peter. I started to panic a little. I didn't like that I couldn't see him, so I bundled up to see if I could go out and find him.

I stepped out the back door and started making my way toward the shed. I was looking for Peter's footprints in the snow, but the wind had already covered them up. As I made my way closer to the shed, I saw a large pile of snow and ice piled in front of the door to the shed.

As fast as I could trudge through the heavy snow, I made my way to the snow pile and frantically started using my hands to dig at the snow. It wasn't long before I came across Peter's arm. I continued to move the rest of the snow away from his body, his strained moans driving me to move faster and faster.

"Peter! Peter!" I put my arms under his to pull him from the snow toward the cabin. He was still conscious, but barely. I struggled to get him to his feet placing his arm around my shoulders to help him inside.

We staggered through the snow and made our way into the cabin. I'm not sure how long he was under that snow, but his face had lost a lot of color, except for the blue of his lips. His teeth were chattering and I could tell his body was shivering from the cold; his body desperately trying to maintain his body temperature.

Both his coat and his clothing were wet from being buried under the snow so I took them off and brought him to the couch and covered him in blankets. I removed my coat and searched the cabin for all the extra blankets I could find.

As he continued shivering under the layers of blankets, I realized that the best way to get his core temp up is with my own.

I threw another log onto the fire and stripped down to my underwear and slid under the mound of blankets. I pulled his arms around my body and wrapped myself around him, hoping to return the warmth to him before his temp got too low.

I laid there with him, listening to his incoherent mumbling and teeth chattering praying that he would be ok. After what felt like forever, I felt his hands unclutch and pull my body even closer to his. I heard his faint whisper in my ear, "You're so warm." I then heard his breathing start to even out and leaned my head back to see that he had fallen asleep.

I tucked my face into his neck and stroked his hair knowing that sleep would help his body conserve energy and warm up faster.

As the adrenaline started to fade from my body, I could feel my eyes become heavy as well and I too fell into a deep sleep.

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