7 | Restless

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**Jenna's POV**

The rest of our day continued with much less excitement. We played a few more card games, talked until I think we both felt like we knew everything there was to know about each other. Peter even felt so good that evening that he insisted on making dinner for us.

"So what's on the menu, Chef Peter?"

"Very funny. Just a simple chicken alfredo."

"No way...that is my favorite meal, ever!" My mouth began to water at just the mention of it.

"Well, hopefully it'll live up to your expectations."

"I'm sure it'll be great."

"Come taste the sauce, tell me if it needs anything."

I stepped beside him near the stove as he raised a spoon up to my lips. As soon as the creamy goodness hit my tongue, I was in heaven. "That is perfect, Peter. Don't add a thing. It may be some of the best I've ever had. Easily top three at least."

"Top three? How do I get up to that top spot?"

"Unlimited salad and breadsticks." I reply with a laugh.

"I see how it is. I've gotta compete with the big dogs." He shook his head at my response. I don't have salad, but I do have some breadsticks in the oven to go with it.

I set the table as Peter finished cooking. Despite the fact that I constantly had some of his delicious chicken alfredo in my mouth, we still managed to talk and laugh throughout dinner. After spending only 24 hours with him, I had already grown quite comfortable around him. Conversations were effortless, we could talk about anything.

After we finished eating, we cleaned the dishes together and then decided it would be a good idea to listen to the radio to see if there was any end to the storm in sight.

Static......roads remain closed throughout the tri-county area due to drifting snow, black ice, low visibility and 45 mile per hour winds. Temperatures are holding steady at 5° with -10° wind chill. Many city and state plows have started slowly clearing some roads, but many in rural areas won't be clear until Monday. Now we'll go to Jim with sports........static

"Sorry, I was really hoping it would be better news. It looks like you're going to be stuck with me for a couple more days."

"I guess it could be a lot worse. You could be a serial killer." I told him with my most serious face.

"How do you know I'm not?" He cocked an eyebrow and scowled at me.

Holding back my laughter, "Well, you're not a very good one if I'm still alive and your weakness is snow."

"You may be right, but I can write a pretty convincing serial killer."

"I have no doubts about that." I stretched my arms above my head, yawning from the events of the day. "It's been a pretty crazy day, I think I'm going to take a hot shower and lay down."

"Ok, I'll lay some clean clothes on the bed for you."

Stepping under the hot water was a welcome reprieve. I let the water relax my muscles and wash away the worry that had overcome me earlier that day. But one thing the water couldn't wash away was the feeling of Peter's lips on mine and the way his body felt wrapped around me. Both feelings I wanted so badly to experience again.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off before wrapping myself in a towel to walk back to the bedroom. I'd be lying if I said the look in Peter's eyes as he catches a glimpse of me in nothing but a towel didn't ignite a fire deep within me.

I slipped into the over-sized clothes he laid out for me and snuggled into the bed. His scent still lingered on the pillow, but seemed more faint than it had been the night before.

I tried to sleep, but my mind wouldn't shut off. I keep thinking about my job; whether I would still have one come Monday, my parents; if they even realized I hadn't made it home yet, and Peter and everything that had happened between us today.

After about two hours of just laying in bed, I got up and peeked my head out of the bedroom door. Peter was laying on the couch with his back to me, until he heard the floor boards creak beneath my feet. He looked over his shoulder and his eyes met mine.

"I'm sorry, Peter, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Oh no, you didn't wake me. Having trouble sleeping?"

"A little. I don't know what my problem is. I slept just fine last night and even better on the couch with you this afternoon."

Peter didn't say anything, all he did was roll over onto his other side to face me and lifted the blankets back as if to invite me to lay with him on the couch. I hesitated momentarily, but then cautiously stepped forward and walked toward the couch, settling my body next to his. He pulled the blankets over us and wrapped his arms around me just as he had done earlier that afternoon. I snuggled into his warm chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

I then felt a gentle kiss on the top of my head followed a faint whisper, "I slept well this afternoon too."

I lifted my head until our eyes met and then almost as if we were thinking the same thing, we both looked down at each others lips. Instantly we met, our lips dancing with one another, soft and tender. Our lips parted simultaneously and our tongues gently caressed one another, meeting in perfect harmony.

My arousal began to pool within my core and I could feel Peter's pressing firmly against me. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to give him all of me. I pulled my lips from his to nibble on his ear, "Peter, I want you."

His response was a low growl from the back of his throat as I felt his hands travel under my shirt, tracing the curves of my body; gentle, yet hungry kisses peppering my neck.

Our lips met again and our tongues fought a hungry battle neither of us wanted to lose. I let my hands travel down to his sweatpants to push them past his hips while he grabbed the hem of my shirt to pull it over my head.

He kicked his pants off to the end of the couch, while I reached up to remove his shirt. The feeling of my hardened nipples pressed firmly against his bare chest caused an ache deep within my core.

His hands found there way to my pants, but he stopped and looked at me, "Are you sure about this, Jenna?"

"Yes, please Peter."

That was all the encouragement he needed. Within seconds the rest of my clothes were strewn onto the floor and I could feel the tip of his hardened cock teasing my entrance.

Peter's hands found my ass and he lined himself up and plunged deep within me, taking my breath away. Our bodies wrapped together, our heavy breaths intermingling, the intimacy of the moment unlike anything I had ever experienced with past lovers.

We were caught up in a world of our making, a world of lust and desire, of passion and need. A connection to one another that could have only been found within the walls of this cabin. The chill of the storm had ignited a heat within us, unmatched by any fire. But when the storm ended, would that fire extinguish as well?

I tried to focus on the here and now. I was here in his arms, savoring every inch of this man, as he worshipped every inch of me. And I couldn't deny that it felt so good.

I could feel my orgasm building within as Peter's thrusting continued mercilessly. I breathlessly moaned, "Peter I'm cumming."

"Yes, cum with me."

The euphoria enveloped our bodies, I clutched tightly to Peter, desperate to prolong this feeling. My walls held tight around him, not wanting to let go, so we layed together, our bodies intertwined, basking in the bliss that we had just experienced together.

I placed a few gentle kisses to his chest before I looked up into his eyes.

"Have I mentioned how happy I am that you found my cabin yesterday?"

I smiled and laughed at his admission.  "Me too."

Peter than pulled the blankets back over our bodies. Within minutes we both fell into a comfortable sleep.

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