9 | Suddenly Sunday

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**Jenna's POV**

After our shower, Peter and I got dressed and decided to try our hand at cooking breakfast together.

"How is it that your pancakes are perfect circles and mine...aren't?"

"Here, let me help."

Peter shifted to stand behind me, the two of us holding the measuring cup full of pancake batter.

"The trick is to pour the batter in the same spot, so the batter spreads out evenly." He explained as we poured the batter onto the griddle.

I continued with my attempts to make semi-circular pancakes while Peter pulled some sausage out of the oven.

"Did you look outside yet?" He asked as we waited on the last of the pancakes.

"No, why?"

"It finally stopped snowing."

I peer around him to look out the window. "That's great. Maybe we can make some progress digging out your car."

"Maybe, but we'll have to find it though."

"Find it?"

"My car is basically buried in snow. You can't even see the roof."

"Oh my gosh. Just when I had a little glimmer of hope." My shoulders slump down in defeat.

"Don't worry, we'll get you home."

I turned, my eyes met Peter's. I stepped toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck to give him a hug. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me tightly against his body. I was having mixed feelings about leaving. I wanted and needed to go home. I had a life waiting for me. But I would be lying to say I hadn't enjoyed the past few days with Peter. It was like we were in our own little bubble, just the two of us.

Peter and I pulled apart and I grabbed the last few pancakes from the griddle and Peter and I sat down to eat.

We sat in a comfortable silence until I decided to pose a question I had been mulling over in my brain all morning. "Peter, what do you think would have happened if you and I had met under different circumstances?"

"What do you mean?" He asks, not fully understanding the purpose behind my question.

"Like, if we had met in a bar or on a blind date or something. Would you have been attracted to me or asked me out?"

"Jenna, I think you are gorgeous. Any guy would be lucky to date you."

"I'm not asking about any guy though, Peter. I'm asking about you. I can't help but wonder if the only reason we hooked up was because of our circumstances. Stranded together in a cabin, just the two of us, naked cuddling to stave off hypothermia. It's like a perfect storm of sexual attraction."

"Are you saying that you wouldn't have been interested in me if things had been different."

"No, no. Geez, I'm really digging myself a hole here. Peter, I think you are amazing. You're handsome, sexy, smart, funny, kind. I guess what I'm really wondering is, what happens when the storm passes and I go home? What happens when we're not stuck here anymore?"

A smile spreads across his face. "Jenna, I don't know what's going to happen, but I know I can't imagine going back to a life without you in it."

"All I know is that I don't want us to simply part ways when we get out of here."

"That sounds like a good start."


**Peter's POV**

The rest of the morning was spent taking turns shoveling. As much as I didn't want Jenna going outside to shovel, I knew there was no way I'd win that argument after what happened to me yesterday. We each went outside for about 15-20 minutes at a time and worked to dig my car out from underneath all the snow.

"Peter, why don't you come inside and warm up, I made some lunch for us."

I peeled of my numerous layers of clothes and outerwear and laid them near the fire to dry and warm up. Jenna then pulled me into a big hug; this had kind of become our routine each time one of us came in from outside.

She then handed me a hot cup of tea and we sat down to some soup and sandwiches.

"I don't know about you, but all this shoveling has worn me out. I may need a nap this afternoon."

"That sounds like a great idea. Why don't you go lay down and I'll clean up the dishes. If you want, I'll join you when I'm done."

"Yes, please." She said with a big smile on her face.

By the time I had finished cleaning up after lunch, Jenna was already fast asleep in the bed. I quietly climbed under the covers and wrapped myself around her, letting her calming scent lull me into a deep slumber.


I awoke to the feeling of kisses on my chest, traveling up to my shoulder and along my neck.

"Mmmm, keep this up and I'm not gonna want to let you go home."

"I believe that's called kidnapping, sir."

"Worth it." I chuckle.

"Save it for one of your books Mr. Writer."

"Come here." I gently cup her face, bringing it close so her lips meet mine.

Our kiss deepens and Jenna swings her leg over my waist to straddle me.

I can feel her already starting to grind on top of me as we kiss and my body does not fail to respond. She reaches down to push my pants and boxers down below my hips, freeing my cock from it's fabric prison. She then pushes her panties to the side and takes all of me inside her.

I reach below her shirt to palm her supple breasts. I love the pleasure I can coax out of her by teasing her nipples. The way she bites her lower lip. The way she throws her head back in ecstasy. All these are the perfect recipe to arouse and excite me. Her pleasure brings me pleasure and I can't get enough of her.

I can feel her creeping close to her release so I thrust my hips upward beneath her to drive myself as deep as possible. She cries out at the sensation.

"Keep going, Peter. Keep going!!"

I continue to thrust upward until I feel her body clench around my cock, which sets me over the top, exploding inside her.

Her small body collapses on top of me, her head resting against my chest as she catches her breath. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her down on top of me.

"I may need another nap after that." She breaths out.

"Whatever you need to do, I'm not going anywhere." My hand gently caresses her back as she relaxes against me.


**Sherriff Ken's POV**

Static.....Deputy Mason to Sherriff, come in Sherriff....static....Whataya got Wayne....static....I've got an abandoned Honda Civic, license plate BNX 558 on county road 20....static....that's what we're looking for, can you tell how long it's been there....static....it's buried pretty deep, sir, likely been here since the storm started, Friday night, maybe Saturday morning....static....let's hope someone either picked her up, or took her in nearby, continue and check in with some of the cabins along that road....static....copy that....static....

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