6 | Warm Bodies

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**Peter's POV**

I opened my eyes to the feeling of Jenna's warm body wrapped around mine, every blanket I own piled on top of us. I couldn't tell you how we got this way, the last thing I remember, we were sitting at the table eating lunch. I did know one thing, her body fit perfectly with mine and I didn't want to let her go.

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and watched as her eyes fluttered open and met mine.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked me.

"I'm cold and my head hurts. Jenna, what happened?"

"You went out to shovel and I found you by the shed buried in snow. It looked like a bunch of snow from the roof of the shed had come loose and fallen on you."

"And....our clothes?" I asked biting my lip.

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away from me, slightly embarrassed. "Well, you were cold and wet from the snow and skin to skin contact is the best way to keep someone from going into hypothermic shock."

I smiled down at her, "Do you mean to tell me that you saved my life with your naked body?"

She laughed and looked up at me, "Partially naked body."

I placed another kiss to her forehead...then her temple...and her cheek. I heard a subtle moan escape her lips with each kiss. Then a kiss to her chin and up to her nose. Before I knew it she closed the distance between her lips and mine.

Her soft lips molded to mine, the warmth of her kiss radiating throughout my body.

I pulled away, not wanting her to think I'm taking advantage of her and the situation. I looked down at her and saw a single tear fall down her cheek.

"Jenna, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean....I just...."

"No, Peter, I was just so scared that you weren't gonna be ok. I was terrified digging you out of that snow...and your body was so cold..."

I brought my hands to her face, using the pad of my thumb to wipe away the tear. "Hey, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm fine. You saved me. You're kind of my hero." I flashed her a grateful smile, hoping to get one from her in return.

"I am so relieved that you're ok. In fact..." She reached a hand up and placed it against my forehead. "...it seems that your temperature is returning to normal. I think I'm going to go put my clothes back on and then I'll make us some tea."

Before she could disappear into the bedroom, I stopped her, testing the waters. "Jenna, if I get cold again...will you warm me up?"

She simply replied with a smirk and a flush of her cheeks and then closed the door behind her.


**Jenna's Parents POV**

"Hey Bill, have you heard from Jenna since she left last night?"

"No, Dear, I haven't."

"Strange. I tried to call her just before lunch and I even texted her and nothing."

"Louise, you know she's working today. I'm sure we'll hear from here later tonight."

"Bill, she usually texts me back on her break. What if something happened to her. Maybe we should go look for her."

"Now Louise, we are not goin' out in this weather, plus all the roads from here to the city are closed. I'm sure Jenna just got busy at work. Stop worrin' so much, woman!"


**Jenna's POV**

I can't believe I just kissed him. What kind of healthcare professional am I that I kissed a man on the brink of hypothermia!! But his lips felt so good against mine. I didn't want it to stop.

I tried to put my morally compromised thoughts out of my mind and focus on what I set out to do. Put clothes on and go make tea. Two very easy tasks that I can accomplish without thinking lustful thoughts about the...handsome...gorgeous...funny...
Jenna focus!!

I composed myself as best I could and made my way into the kitchen to make the tea for both of us. It appeared that in the meantime, Peter had also taken the opportunity to put clothes on, but still wrapped himself up in some of the blankets to keep warm.

Before I brought Peter his tea I walked over and stood in front of him as he sat on the couch.

"Bend over, please?" I instructed him.

"What?" A look of confusion written on his face.

"You mentioned your head hurt. I want to look to see if there were any cuts that I need to clean." I explained.

He slowly bent over, lowering his head. I took his head in my hands, moving it back and forth gently. I then slowly ran my fingers through his hair to feel for any bumps.

"You have a small bump just above your forehead on your right side, right here."


"Oh sorry. I don't see any traces of blood. The bump should go down in a couple of days. Do you have any over-the-counter pain reliever on hand? That should help relieve some of the pain."

"There should be some in the bathroom."

I retrieved the pain reliever and grabbed our tea from the kitchen before returning to the couch.

As I stood in front of him he smiled up at me, "Thank you, nurse. I feel much better already."

I sat beside him and shoved his shoulder, "Oh shut up."

"In all seriousness. Even if you weren't here, I would have gone out to that shed at some point and if the same thing had happened, no one would have been here to help me. So thank you, Jenna."

"You're very welcome, Peter."

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