chapter iv

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chapter iv.


For many years, Winnie didn't have a lot of people in her life. Sure she had a few like Peggy but at this day and age, she was a little old to do anything with. And maybe that's a little mean but it was true.

She never really had any other friends, more co-workers and acquaintances but not friends like Steve or Bucky or Peggy. Someone that she could go to talk to.

Just an agent, a weapon for the government.

But today was going to be different, it was going to be life-changing for the White girl.

SHIELD was supposed to get a new director since the old one had passed away a few months ago. They had left Winnie in charge and as much as she loved being at the top, it wasn't something that she thought she could do with living.

It was a day that Winnie had been anticipating ever since the ex-director had been put in place.

Let's just say that those two didn't get along very well and had many fights over the years.

However, this one was going to be different, she could just feel it. But that didn't stop the nerves from bubbling in her stomach.

As Winnie sat in the head of the director's office, she tapped on the desk with her fingers, trying to calm herself down but it wasn't that useful.

She had no idea what this guy looked like, apart from the fact that he was a guy. The government hadn't given her anything to go off apart from the fact that he was a leader and a good man.

God how she hoped that was true.

"Everything is going to be fine," Winnie said out loud to herself. "You and him are going to get on fine, he's going to be different from Mr I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-About-You."

As she finished her sentence, a knock erupted from the door. Taking in a deep breath, Winnie walked over to the said door and opened it.

Standing there in the doorway was a middle-aged man wearing a nice grey suit with a leather briefcase in his hand.

His hair was black and short and his eyes were dark brown. He was quite tall, much taller than Winnie (but then again everyone was) and had a nice build.

"Hello, you must be Winnie White," he greeted, putting his suitcase on the ground and putting his hand out for her to shake.

Winnie stuck her hand in his and gave a shake, a polite smile on her face. "Yes I am, and I'm guessing you are the new director?"

"That would be me," the man smiled back releasing his hand from her's. "I'm Nicholas Fury, but you can call me Nick or Fury."

"Nice to meet you, Nick."


Winnie rushed into the hospital, her heart pounding a million miles a minute. She couldn't believe what was happening. Nick Fury, the man that had been a friend to her for many years, had been shot and had a big possibility that he would die.

As she hurried into the hospital ward, she went immediately to the front desk and asked where to go. The lady standing there pointed down that hallway, Winnie immediately jogging down.

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