chapter viii

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chapter viii.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T DIE?" were the first words that sprang into Winnie's head. She was currently inside Stark Industries getting tested by many doctors, including her good friend Howard Stark.

Recently, the girl had been going through unexplainable things such as extremely fast healing, being able to hear as well as see from miles away. So, being logical and not keeping this to herself like every single superhero ever, she talked to Howard since he was a scientist and she could only hope he would be able to figure out what was wrong with her.

"You can die," Howard explained, "However, your cells regenerate at such a fast pace that even if you were to be exploded into millions of pieces you will.. come back to life."

Winnie's forehead creased in confusion as she tried to process all of this information. Of course, she was aware of the anomaly of resurrection back in 1945 when she was shot and she had, in fact, died from the bullet but she always assumed that was just luck, well more like a curse now.

"So I'm pretty much immortal?" she asked bluntly.

Stark opened his mouth and averted his gaze from Winnie, looking towards the floor before taking a deep breath and looking at her once again, "For the time being, yes."

"What about the.. abilities? Is that the right word?" the girl questioned. "It just seems weird to say out loud."

"Well, it seems that it's similar to what.. Rogers had, enhanced speed, regeneration, strength and a few other things to go with the mix like super hearing and eyesight. Oh and you can't feel self inflicted pain."

"Will I ever age?"

"Maybe? From the tests and the lack of information that we have at this moment, we can't be too sure," he explained. "But hey, if you are immortal, who would want to be an old woman forever, huh?"

His joke seemed to prove ineffective to the girl, who just stood there looking at the floor with sad eyes. Howard felt horrible for her, he knew how much she had gone through in her short-lived life.

She sat down with no emotion, not understanding how any of this could have happened or how it was possible. "How?" Winnie asked, "How is any of this even remotely plausible?"

Howard shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "To be honest, I'm not sure myself but my guess is that it had something to do with that serum Zola gave you when he had you and the fellow 107th."

Although she was confused about all of this, Winnie was now feeling rage surge through her body as she clenched her fists. It was all Zola's fault, that stupid scientist. The White girl felt like he had to pay for this.

"What if I never fully.. die?" she turned to look at Howard her jaw clenched, "What if I have to live in this world for the rest of eternity? I'll have to watch everyone I've ever loved die."

He didn't want to answer Winnie because to be truly honest, he had no idea. Maybe she could eventually die, for good or maybe she would, in fact, have to live out her life for the rest of eternity. So all he did was shrug his shoulders and give the girl a sympathetic look.

Much to Howard's protests, Winnie let out a breath of anger before standing up from her chair and storming out of the room. She had to get out of there, away from everyone. But even more importantly, she had to find Zola.

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