chapter iii

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chapter iii.


"Come on Winnie, you need to get out of the house sometime."

Winnie sat huddled up in her couch, a blanket wrapped around her. She had been sat there so long that it wouldn't surprise anyone if she actually sunk into the couch and became one with it.

Actually, she had thought about that a lot and maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing to do.

"No I don't," she mumbled. "The world doesn't need me and I don't need it."

The small blonde rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "The world does need you. Come on Winnie, it's been a year. It's about time you get up and do something. It actually surprises me that you aren't fat."

Winnie raised her brow and nodded, agreeing with her best friend. "I don't care if it's been a year, or two, or a couple of months, I'm not over it so please, just leave me be."

Evenly huffed and narrowed her eyes. "No. I'm not leaving you alone. I know you loved him-"

"-Loved him doesn't even comprehend the amount I cared for him," Winnie shouted, cutting her off. "He was my world, my saviour and because I was playing dead, I couldn't be with him in his final moments, in fact, both of their final moments! And I am not going to take advice from someone who has barely been in a relationship longer than a month!"

Evelyn stood their speechless, her mouth agape. "I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that because I know you are hurting. It is not my fault that they died. If I could snap my fingers and bring them back, I would in an instant but I can't. I just--I can't. And you need to accept that.

"So what you're going to do is get up off of that couch, go have a shower - because god knows the last time you did that - and come with me and get groceries."


"-No! No, but's! Now get up." Evelyn walked over to the couch and began pulling at Winnie's arm, trying her hardest to get her up. "I said get up!"

Afraid, Winnie immediately got up off the couch and looked at her friend with wide eyes.

"Now go shower," Evelyn said pointing to the bathroom.

"Yes ma'am," the White girl began heading over towards her small bathroom, tripping over a table.

"Oh and Winnikins?" Winnie turned around to face Evelyn. "Next time you call me ma'am, you will face my wrath."

"Yes.. ma'am!"

"Oh, you little bitch!"

The small brunette turned on her heel and quickly rushed towards the bathroom, getting away from her best friend's 'wrath.'

For the first time in months, Winnie was laughing and actually having fun. Even if it was something so small, Evelyn was glad that she was somewhat getting back to her normal self. For she needed her to do so.

Because if she didn't, her boss would kill her.


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