7. Black Velvet

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The rest of the day flood my until Lunch. I had art which was like second nature to me. At one o'clock I was in the alcove again writing scores for a song I had written last year. Carly came but something seemed off about the way she stormed into the alcove.

"Do you have something you would like to say?" I asked,

"No, no. It's just. Is there something between you and Louis? I was just wondering because it seems you two are together all the time." She looked irritated.

"There is nothing between us, Carly." It wasn't as if I was lying. I stood my grounds on Saturday. We were just friends.

"So is it okay if I invite him into my group? I asked Lola and Max and we all voted that having the new skater boy in our group would make us a heck tonne more popular." So they were just going to use him?

"Yeah, um sure."

"Cool! So I'm going to invite him to come sit with us at lunch if you don't mind. Who knows, maybe eventually I can hit on him too." She winked at me and my stomach churned. That wasn't normal, was it? I shouldn't be jealous. Louis could be friends with whoever he wanted to be friends with. She left to go to the cantina and I decided that I should eat something too. I also didn't like lunch. As much as I loved being alone, I did not like being alone in a huge crowd.

As usual I got my tray and sat at the table at the corner of the canteen. All the tables were the same size and rectangular apart from a circular table in the middle which is apparently owned by the popular group. No one else dares to sit there without an invitation and even if they had one, they would probably still hesitate. I saw Carly and her friends picking on their food when her face lit up. I followed her eyes to see Louis entering the table area with his tray. When he saw me he started walking towards me and my stomach flipped, why was I this excited over nothing?

Then everything went downhill, Carly got up and stopped Louis and whispered something in his ear. Louis motioned my table and was about to start walking towards me. I saw Carly's face, sh was angry. It was either me and Carly not being friends again or me and Louis. The right thing todo would be to pick Carly, because I mean, Carly has been my friend for a long time, right?

I motioned to Louis that he should go and sit with them, his face sort of fell but he nodded back and followed Carly. He sat in between the girls and they wouldn't stop laughing at whatever he said. It actually got me sort of pissed. I kept on pushing people away but why did I have to push Louis out? I picked up my tray and walked out of the canteen. This place sucked, I needed to get out of school. A-levels were in March. I had six months. Half an f-ing year.

I didn't want to go to the alcove, apparently it wasn't safe in there anymore. I went to one of the music classrooms and just started crashing chords on the piano. It was useless, my anger didn't go away. The bell rung and I realised I had drama next. I didn't want to go. I could skip, but I had an assignment, about Louis. I couldn't ditch him, no. For some reason even though I hated him I didn't want to harm his grades. I stomped off to the theatre and sat at the back row. The rest of the class came in but Louis didn't. Where was he?

"Okay, today we have our assignments. So, who wants to go first?" I didn't put my hand up. Louis wasn't in the lesson and my speech was about him. The whole class said their speeches and he still didn't show. "Ava, you're up next."

"But Louis isn't here."

"That's okay, you can still go." I sighed and looked at the door one last time before making my way to the stage.

"Louis Partridge is like Black Velvet. He looks all tough and cool with his skate board and amazing hair but he as actually velvet. He is a softie, I know this for a fact because anyone who's favourite song is only you is a softie. Whenever he smiles he does this thing where he bites his bottom lip and it's almost as if he is thinking out loud. Anyways, what Mr Bernast also wanted from us was our opinion on him. So, my opinion, on Louis Partridge is that..." that was when the door opened and Louis came into the room. Where was he? He didn't have a slip so I already knew he wasn't at the nurse.

"Care to join us, Louis? Your partner was just doing their speech." He nodded and sat down. Suddenly I was mad. "Continue, Ava."

I laughed, "Where was I? Oh yeah, my opinion on Louis Partridge. He's ordinary, he's just like every boy who goes here. There is nothing bad about him but he doesn't have anything so special about him either. There, that was my speech." I said it as the bell rang so I stormed out of the room.

"Whoah! Hold up!" I heard Louis behind me. Deja vu was the first words that popped into my head. I would have run but he would have caught up anyways. It was the end of the day so I left the building. "What was that speech?" He asked, finally next to me.

"I don't know, I didn't spend too much time on it I just stated how ordinary you were."

"Ordinary, huh? Okay then fine, I'm ordinary. Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?" He asked tilting his head.

"Where were you?" I asked crossing my arms, his smile dropped.

"I'm sorry, Carly's group skipped class and I tagged along."

"Oh so you're skipping class now." I don't know why I was saying this. I needed to stop. Stop, I begged myself.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't know, maybe because you missed our assignment."

"You just said that it wasn't that important. Ava, I'm confused." I shut my eyes,

"You know what, you're right. Don't be. I'm sorry, I, I just need to go."

This chapter is inspired by the song Black Velvet.

So I had intended on having Carly as the nice best friend but then I thought that was boring and changed it up. To anyone reading this, do you think I should add some competition with another boy or should it just remain with the simple drama?

This chapter was a bit short but it wasn't of much importance anyways.


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