Meeting Her

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Katlyn's POV

'Katlyn boss wants you in his office' I heard one of the guys say from behind me.

Crap what is it now. Did I mess up an order?! Oh god I'm done for sure.

As I walk into the bosses office I noticed a young woman across from him talking. I stepped slightly closer to the desk to get his attention.

'Ah Katlyn good to see you again' I nodded my head in response to him. 'Let's get straight to the point shall we. This is my daughter jade'

I looked back at the woman in front of me and damn she was stunning. The woman smiled at me while her father turned to her 'This is your new bodyguard' He started

'She can't talk for herself?' She asked him while still starting at me. 'She doesn't talk' he replied. 'Can I at least see her face?' The woman replied.

At this point I was barely able to hold back my laughing from her confusion. 'She never takes her mask off' He replied bluntly.

'That's no fun. Is it cause you're ugly under the mask? Come onnn give me a little peek.' As she said that she reached for my mask.

Without hesitation I snapped my hand up to stop her from moving the mask from my face. As she pulled her hand back she smiled 'This should be fun. Let's go.'

Before we could do anything else she had walked out the door. 'Now Katlyn.' Boss started ' Jade means the absolute world to me so do not let her get hurt understand me?'. I nodded at him before turning to follow the woman.

As I caught up to her she turn and smiled 'So you're stuck with me now. What can we do around here?'. I said nothing but pointed down the street.

She looked down and smiled. 'Are you going to take me to lunch hmm?'. I nodded and continued to walk slightly ahead of her.

When we got down to the more populated area I knew I had to keep and eye on her so I turned around to her her stoped at a restaurant.

'Let's eat here. Pleaseee' she whined. I let a deep breath out and sighed before nodding my head. She squealed and dragged me inside.

'Table for two please' she said as the waiter took us to a table. Once we had been seated she looked up and me and said 'So why don't you talk or take off the mask?' I shrugged at her and raised a brow.

Not long after that the waiter came back. 'What can I get you's?'. 'I'll get the lobster please. What do you want?'. I looked up over at her shook my head and pointed to the empty water glass.

The man came back with our food and just as Jade started eating boss called me. 'Katlyn I need you to make room for my daughter at your house. She isn't safe at home so she will be staying with you for a while okay? Good'.

I looked back at the woman who eyed me curiously before looking to the waiter who had returned with the bill.

As she was putting her card on top of the piece of paper I snapped her hand out of the way to put my card on it. 'I can pay you know. For god sakes my father runs a mafia'.

I smiled at her frustration before standing up and leading her back to the building where the car was.

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