7: Explanation

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Luka's POV

Ark's wolf...

Ark's wolf?

Ark's wolf?!

Hold on, hold on. A dog who's a werewolf? How was that possible? Don't tell me there was a werewolf who had a dog for a mate before me and it happened that Ark was the fruit of their loving? I feel dizzy.

"I never heard of umm a dog who's a werewolf?" Cerberus said awkwardly.

Icius chuckled, his voice was just angelic in my ears and I am sure that Cerberus was turned on by that. Icius was a beautiful wolf, his fur was a shade of baby blue with some specks of white thingy...was that ice? No wonder Ark's fur felt like icicles!

"There never was, love. As I have told you and I guess you are just overwhelmed by the fact that your mate has a wolf; Ark is Prince Alaster. The witches did something to us," Icius informed.

I still can't believe this. I wanna pee from excitement and happiness. Was this a dream? If it was, I dare someone to wake me up and I will whip their asses up for taking me out of my paradise.

"So you were the one who was trying to link us, am I right?" Cerberus asked.

Icius nodded. "Yes, but that penguin had magic to make me fall into a deep slumber. Every time Alaster had it close to him, I had no chances of shifting because I will fall unconscious".

" Did the witches do this to prevent the treaty from happening?" Cerberus questioned.

I guess that was the reason but let's not forget about those wolves. I knew that the witches were not the only ones who did not want the marriage to happen. The Fiery pack must have planned this with them in order to banish the real prince and replace him with a fake one who they can manipulate to make all wolves fall under their paws.

"That is what I think. Before the marriage, Alaster drank his favorite juice, he turned into a dog, forgot all of his memories, and ran outside of the castle. I couldn't reach him anymore since he does not listen to me. He thought of me as a fly sitting up on his head. We ended up in the pet shop and the woman who owned it gave him the penguin which made me sleep. I think she was a witch".

I don't know if I should be happy or worried. If Alaster forgot his memories, I could make him think that I was the only person in his life. I could make him love me more; get addicted by only me and he will only think of me and me only. How cool was that?

He will only obey me since I am his master, his caretaker, and lover. I will be his only family. But then what about the other people who needed him? What if the Fiery pack succeeded in whatever plot they were planning because Alaster was not there to stop them? Will it be my fault? Nah, they're old enough, I'm sure the King and Queen can handle those fools...and besides, the Queen will know if his son was fake or not right? Mothers have that instinct. I'll just have my mate for myself.

"Will you please help us? We can't return to the castle with Alaster's memories gone".

Cerberus nodded. "Of course, you are our mate and I'll be damned if I let you go back without an inch of protection".

Icius laughed. "I think it's just lately that I was the one who scared off those wolves".

Um ouch? I know that we couldn't beat them but that's because they were royals and I was just a high school student! Cerberus was not trained yet and so was I. What did our mate expect?!

"Is that insult? Just you wait, once I get strong, you will be licking my feet honey," Cerberus grumbled. Icius laughed and licked Cerberus' ear.

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