19: Training

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Not a minute after Ark revealed about the fake Prince's identity that my dad showed up with 40 werewolf rookies outside of the mansion. Well I guess he was serious about training but I can't understand why I had to train with these weaklings. What pissed me off though was when dad borrowed Ark for a talk without me. I mean, I was the husband, I was the lover, and I was the other half so why can't I join them? I wanted to throw a tantrum and smash Kade's balls in anger even if he was not in fault; however, my sweet mate left me a kiss that made me shut up. Dad showed up a half hour later without my mate and it made my blood boil.

"Where's Ark?" I asked him in a pissed off tone. Dad rolled his eyes.

"He went to a nude college fun run to declare his love for Steve Harvey."

I smashed my fist on the coffee table in front of me making all of the rookies around me freeze in fear. Yes, they were in my territory so they have to show me some respect. My wolf was ready to shred anyone who dared steal Ark from me. "What? Who the hell is Steve Harvey?!"

"You really live under a rock Alpha," Kade scoffed.

I gave him a glare making him gulp. "And you will live under a rock if you don't tell me who this Steve Harvey is!"

Dad patted my back and sighed.

"You need to relax son, I was only joking. Ark is fixing something up, he'll catch up later."

I was still fuming and my wolf was restless knowing that our mate was not by our side but nonetheless, I let dad lead us to the path behind the mansion just beyond the venue of my marriage. It was a path where even I was not allowed to go to and only those veteran werewolf warriors were allowed to pass. He led us deeper and deeper into the forest and we ended up in a very huge area surrounded by trees.

There were two pack warriors guarding the area. They bowed to my dad and let us pass through. I gazed upon a huge tree in the middle of the area. Its branches stretched to cover the place with its leaves. It just gave you that ancient old feeling shit.

"That's a nice tree...makes me want to make babies with our mate," Cerberus stated.

"How the fuck is that possible?" I spat at my sex crazed wolf.

Dad placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled. "Line up rookies, ten people in each row go!"

I grumbled under my breath. Kade and I joined the very first row and my eyes wandered around in search of my mate. "Damn, this is exciting..." Kade whispered to me. Dad stood in front of us with the other two pack warriors as his backup dancers.


Back up dancers?

"Pffff! Your brain is really messed up. Did you really just imagine now that your dad is dancing Macarena?"

"Oh shut the fuck up."

"As you all now, witches now have the balls to enter our area frequently with the help of red wolves and because of that we need more warriors to defend our turf."

A nerd guy who stood beside me raised his hand. Oh this was Rogers. I know him. He was a know it all guy that made me want to strangle him. It was a good thing that we had no class together this year."Uh sir?"

"Yes Rogers?"

"I was wondering if you have reported that to the higher ups or to the King and Queen of the Glazier pack?" he asked.

Dad nodded. "We took careful methods on that matter. We didn't report that immediately since it will start some trouble and of course...we had a complicated situation concerning the Prince of the Glazier pack. We are going to start your training not only to defend our area but also, to prepare for an irresolute war."

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