Fictional Character

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Hi guys, so today I'm going to make something that we can all relate to. And I'm gonna make all of you cry or at least want to cry so if you're a softie (like me) and cries easily. Continue if you like I can't stop you but you need to know this before you read the rest. 


It was another day and after school. You were tired and decided to watch the anime that your friends have been prying you to watch. So you decided to watch it. You went onto Funimation and looked it up. "My... Hero... Aca... demia" and you pressed enter and in came, My Hero Academia. At first, you thought it was going to be like all your other action anime adventures. You were going to drop it in a week. But you didn't. You kept watching and watching. It became one of your most favorite anime's. You really liked Izuku and well, At first you thought that Katuski was a total jerk. He was a bully, one of the antagonists. But when you got to season 2, you saw that he was oddly attractive. You were mainly a dominant person even though you were the shortest one in your family. 

So when you saw that he was leading a team and forming a friendship with Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Denki. You grew a liking to him. And at season 3 you were so mad at the League of Villians for taking him away. You even cried. But what was strange was that, when all that was showing was his eye. You felt like he was looking at you, not Deku. You. And in season 4 you grew even closer to him. And then, like Aoyama, he broke the fourth wall. He looked straight at you. When you felt like he wasn't supposed to. When you brought friends over to watch the same episode again, he didn't do what he did before. 

It was strange. And when you saw it by yourself, he looked at you. until one day, he spoke to you through the screen. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)." you looked at the screen and pointed at yourself. "M-me?" "No, your teddy bear-YES YOU!" You were shocked. How did he know your name, how could you speak with him and why did everyone else stop when you paused, but not him. "How do you know my name?" "Well I know it because your mom called you by the same name" "Oh.." he put his hands on the screen. "You can't get out huh?" He shook his head. You went up to him and placed your hand on his. It felt like you two were, connecting somehow. Till even a small spark showed up between your fingers. It shocked the two of you. It also played the episode. So Bakugou got back into place and continued with his lines. 

Whenever you were having a bad day, You turned on the Tv and went straight to MHA. And the second that Katsuki showed up on the screen, you paused it. He saw you upset to the point where you were tearing up. He saw you and got mad. "Who was it? Who did this to you?"  You rubbed the tears off with your hand and with small sobs you said, "Mami... my bully. She bruised me and talked down on me and-" "Hey... come here". He put his hands on the screen so you did too. "Tell them to fuck off. How did they even get to you?" "Well first they got my best friend to go against me and then the teachers and then the whole school. Everyone thinks I'm Toxic, a manipulator, and abusive. But that's not true and I couldn't fight back because that would only make things worse. So I let them hit me in front of everyone. I let them bring me to tears and I let them laugh at me and talk down on me." You began to cry again and he only wanted to come out even more. Just to protect you. 

He tried hard to get through the screen but all that could come out was the tips of his fingers. You felt the little of him that could come out. His hands were rough and slightly dry. It made you feel better. "Take back your place! Own them, make them feel what they made you feel. re-assert dominance" you smiled and put your hand in a fist and said, "Plus Ultra" and raised it to the air. That made his smile and he let go of the screen. You pressed play and watched him in action as the episode continued. 

The more and more you saw him. The more and more depressed you got. Katsuki noticed and asked. "What's wrong?" But you just swatted your hand and pretended like it was no big deal. "Not a big deal? (Y/N) does this have to do with our friendship?" "No, it doesn't. It's not a big deal! Why are you making such a big deal out of it?" "(Y/N). Just so you know. I... Love you. Don't you ever think anything less!" That only made things worse. It was good to know that he loved you but. How is he gonna show it? "You. You do? I love you too, Katsuki." but that didn't make things any better. "But. How are you ever gonna kiss me?" he pressed his face against the screen and made his lips seem like they're about to kiss you. "But. Katsuki that's not gonna work. Because all you are is 2D" he put his hands on the screen. 

"(Y/N). You know that there is nothing that is going to keep me from showing you how much I love you..." and he pressed his fingers against the screen in hopes of getting through. "Just know that No matter the weather. No matter how much of a bad day I'm having just know that you'll always make me feel better. Even if you're a fictional Character" he banged on the screen and tried his best to get out of the place that he was in so that he can join you and comfort you. he began to tear up. "But- wait- (Y/N)! No! Don't press play!" You held up the remote with a smile and said, "Places everyone!" He was upset but got back into place. The rest of the Anime went on how the manga went. What? You really got into the anime so of course, you'd read the manga. 

When you went to bed the Tv turned on by itself and opened up to Funimation. Katsuki somehow paused it himself from inside the Tv. He tapped on the screen and made a little noise. But not enough to wake you up. He needed your hands. He shouted out your name to wake you up. It worked. "Katsuki? W-what are you doing?" "Put your hands in mine." You were confused. You stood up and made your way to your Tv in your nightgown. "Huh?" "Put. Your. Hands. In. Mine." You put them in his and held the hands of each other. "Now pull me out" "WHAT?!" "You heard me" "Well... Does it hurt whenever you hold my hands?" He shook his head. "Ok." and so you continued to pull him in. His head popped out first, and then he got a headache. "Are you ok?" He nodded his head. So you continued to pull the rest of him out of the Tv Screen. When his whole body came out, he felt sore all around him. He was laying on top of you. You were staring at the ceiling while your hands slowly began to hug him. He groaned, "Hey can you not do that?" You took off your hands. "You need a painkiller?" He nodded. So, as carefully as you could, you took him off of you. 

You were careful when you were making your way downstairs to get him to the pill. When you got back he was in your bed, laying down with his hands up at the ceiling. "You feeling better?" "No... Even my through hurts". You gave him a look of pity. "Take this" and so he took the pill. 

The next morning you woke up to his face in your bed. You smiled and went back to sleep.

I know I know... spooky but I just can't think of anything spooky! So that's why I'm gonna make one of a haunted house one next right on Halloween! So don't miss it!

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