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may 15th;as per usual, amaya and chris met up for her lesson in her dorm room

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may 15th;
as per usual, amaya and chris met up for her lesson in her dorm room. it became routine for her. every couple of days, chris would pop by for an hour or two and they would focus solely on the work in front of them, rarely straying from the topic.

that was, until they did stray from the topic.

"so, sawamura's been following you around, huh?"

chris suppressed a groan, "you have no idea."

"hmm, do tell more," amaya curiously pressed on.

chris finished writing his notes, so he could focus on his attention on amaya, "well, ever since he found out about my shoulder injury, he's apologized more than twenty times, begged me to catch his pitches about ten, and now he follows me everywhere, trying to offer me assistance."

amaya laughed, "it's kinda cute he follows you around like a lost puppy!"

"no it's not."

"you'd probably be so sad if he left!" she joked.

chris shook his head, "that is not possible."

she chuckled again, "you're in denial!" she claimed.

"there is nothing to deny when i simply tell the truth."

the moment between them had a soft and warm aura that filled up the room, bringing up their mood.

amaya realized smiles were coming more easily to chris day by day, but she also noticed something weird. chris only seemed to smile around her. of course here and there he'd crack a small smirk, but here she was, in her room, looking at the full blown smile of chris.

the sweat on her palms built up. the thumping in her chest increased. her mouth went dry.

noticing the small things about people you care for, even the smallest of details made amaya giddy. she loved learning about people, their personalities and characteristics because that's what made people who they were. they were defined even through the smallest attribute.

seeing chris smile, it gave amaya whole new perspective on him. it was a really happy and exciting perspective.

"hello? earth to daichi?" chris waved a hand in front of her face.

amaya snapped from her daze, "oh sorry!"

"chris just saw me staring at him like an idiot!"

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