1: Cuijue Slope

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It all started with feeling the need to go out there and unwind

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It all started with feeling the need to go out there and unwind.

A certain cavalry knight's persistence was victorious therefore had he been allowed to tag along provided that he would return to his position in time. It was a promise he said but you knew he most likely wouldn't do what you two had agreed on.

Regardless, you pressed on further the region of Liyue.

"Why, though?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"No," you shook your head. "Why?"

As expected, a chuckle made its way from his minimally parted lips. He made a shrug, short after was his response. "Why not? It's suffocating enough to be locked inside the headquarters all day. The only person who can do that is the Acting Grand Master, Jean."

"You speak as if the headquarters is some kind of a prison."

"Well, in a sense."

Though unsure how to respond--for sometimes what he says is what he means--you just laughed it off and ended the conversation there.

After that, you let yourself be engulfed by the silence again, and even more when the beautiful scenery of Cuijue Slope captured your heart; flowers, grasses, birds and flies along with the soft blowing of the wind touching your skins. Unarguably relaxing. Mondstadt had this as well but Liyue was undeniably better.

One particular red plant captured your attention, and made sure you were a distance short to it to get a closer look. You haven't roamed around Mondstadt that much, only when you're required to, and you don't remember having this kind of plant in some places you went to. Your eyes dropped onto them, and marveled at how the world could become so amazing.

Little did you know, a pair of eyes--though one was with an eyepatch--pinned themselves on you, admiring at how your beauty blended with the scenery of Liyue. However, you didn't notice him stealing stares of you for he seemed to be flawlessly good at shifting from that and to casually pretending that nothing was going on.

That kind of play didn't hold on for too long, though.

Hands, which were once kept firmly inside his pockets, now dropped to his sides, feet slowly approaching you from behind as intended as you were occupied with Cuijue.

A what seemed to be a small tunnel soon welcomed you both with a teasing, prettier landscape at the other end of it. Excited, you were, thus had yourself strode towards it. Before you could land your last step to leave the tunnel, pair of hands pulled you backwards and then pushed against the wall. The events were too quick that all you managed to see was Kaeya looking intently at you. Unblinking, almost.

The cheerful smile you had across your lips disappeared almost immediately but such actions from him didn't surprise you either. It was something you knew he could do; you just didn't expect that it would be happening right in this spot.

And despite knowing that there would be a time for him to be doing this, your heart still raced. It has been years, and you still couldn't handle situations like this, at least, without feeling nervous. It was one of the reasons why Kaeya is always at an advantage, it seems.

Kaeya knew it wasn't the right moment. Monsters, other than the usually aggressive hilichurls, perhaps even more stronger, might be lurking around, planning their attacks against them but those thoughts were shoved off as he continued gazing at you. One picture, not enough. One image in his mind, not enough. Seeing you right in front of him, never enough.

It was the point that Kaeya dropped his eyes on your lips and began moving closer.

The man is a Cryo holder, and the wind was blowing coldly but to you, everything felt hot. The temperature, the surroundings, your face, and very much likely, even the man before you.

You crumpled your fists to gather courage, closed your eyes and let Kaeya rule over. His fingerless gloved right hand cupped your face thereafter slightly titled it upwards whilst his left snaked from your waist to your hip, gently pushing you closer to him as you both started to get into the action.

It took quite the time before Kaeya started breaking the kiss but before he could finally end it, he didn't forget to give you the stare that always seems to fluster you.

And it did again now.

You sighed, attempting to compose yourself. "You...," you breathed. "I thought you like things planned?"

Which came out wrong in his understanding because he chuckled, and placed his right palm on his waist, definitely amused. "Imagine if you actually plan that," and the image in his mind, you knew, was different from yours.

That response immediately had you turning away from him. While retaining your composure, you walked ahead of him, not daring to glance again. You cleared your throat. "...I admire the way you speak of these things so casually," it was the best you could come up with, at least, something that didn't sound so obvious that you had been taken aback.

"Don't you think we should be talking about it?"

It made you stop from drawing steps further. "What are you implying?"

He spread his arms like he was about to shrug but only left his palms open. "We are on the right age."

You had to pretend that his words, though with points, weren't affecting you. "And we should be doing what we should."

"Yes, exactly! Adults should be doing adult things."

"W-What? No, Kaeya--stop it!"

He laughed at the way you reacted. It seemed that he had been waiting for that to happen. And he won. "Fine, fine. I'm not teasing you further," his expression softened, neutral as it would seem so. "Were you able to unwind? You looked beautiful earlier."

"I think you just stressed me even more with all this talk you did," you said, sighing upon pouting.

"Don't think about it too much, I was just kidding," but then, after that, he tried confusing you with his next statement. "That will happen naturally. And when it comes, relax, and leave it to me."


A laugh was released from him again, his hand reaching for yours and soon entwining with it. You both, however, made your ways back to the City of Freedom whilst your complaints and his seemingly continuous teases echoed in the vast area of Cuijue Slope.

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