6: The Book

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"All right, thank you!"

With the permission given, you made it straight to the restricted section as per Lisa. It was weird enough that one volume about the Knights of Favonius was hidden in the aforementioned room while some were borrowed from the public areas of the library.

Why would it be there?

You shook off the wonder, and now opened the door the leading to the said room. "Along the second row, she said...," you ran your pointer finger on the books' titles and when you found it, you grabbed it off, relieved that no one else had it before you did.

As you turned to find a place you could sit on, a tall man with such familiar features stood before you. Almost had he made you stumble out of surprise but fortunately, you had your balance altogether.

You sighed and attempted to escape from his stature believing that he didn't do it on purpose but whichever direction you went to, he would just block it. Noticing that he had that annoying smug across his face, you knew what he was up to.

Despite so, you asked.

"What are you on?"

"I was looking for the same book."

"No, you weren't."

"No, I wasn't," and then, that chuckle he did.

Your brows furrowed in question. "So... Why?"

"What, can't bother you for five minutes?"

"I don't think a knight should be doing something like this. I don't remember it being written in the fifth edition of the Knights of Favonius book. Jean even edited some of it with acceptable languages or so," as you made that remark, you tried finding a spot you could sit on, and when you did, you carefully placed your book on the table, sat and began reading.

Kaeya expected that you'd be attacking him through facts, and that was something he didn't mind at all. In fact, it made everything a whole lot interesting. He followed you, and sat across.

You briefly looked at him from the corner of your eyes before returning it to the book page you just flipped. "You seem to have lots of time in your hands, huh?"

"Common thing if you want to make time for a certain someone."


"You," a smirk was on his lips but it was the last thing you wanted to worry about. So, you had your attention back to your piece of knowledge then intentionally ignored whatever he was doing in the background.

Except... He was doing one thing.

Might had it been your assumption that he was staring at you but when you tried stealing a glance of him, you had found out that you were right. At first, it was all right. You let him do what he wanted but as time went on, the longer you stayed in such a course, the quicker you felt like your gauge of ignoring this man was running out.

Times had it when you would intentionally shift from a position to another only to see him still at you.

Did he even blink when you were looking away? That could be it, you thought. There was no way a human could have their eyes remained open for this long.

However, there was only such lengths your patience could take you.

"Can you stop that? You're starting to creep me out," and he didn't even open the book he pulled from the shelf. "I know you have free time but could you just put it to something else more productive? The Abyss Order and the hoarders are getting close to the border recently. Why don't you patrol outside?"

"That's cold..."

Ah, the irony.

You knew that tone he used was of sarcasm thus did you not buy it. "Seriously, Kaeya, I'm trying to concentrate here. Besides, we shouldn't bother other people from their tranquility."

"What people?"

And that was the moment you noticed that you were alone... With him.

That smirk again, you noticed. Upon finding out that there were only the two of you in the area, you couldn't deny the fact that you felt a bit nervous.

Something he didn't had troubles pointing out.

"What, nervous because we're alone?"

"Of course not. You're a nobody."

"Aww, that actually hurts."

"And that is sarcasm."

You went back into reading, so as him with the staring.

What's up with him?

Finally ticked off, you placed your book down but let it hang along your supposedly empty left hand. Your right elbow was on the table whilst hand was under your jaw. You began the staring game with him.

You saw him slightly reposition himself, that smirk still painted on his lips.

The seemingly game didn't last for too long as you started seeing double of him, and went to rub your eyes to regain your perfect vision.

Somehow, that worried Kaeya.

"Are you all right?" He quickly moved away from his chair and to your direction.

"Your fault," you simply answered.

Despite the situation, Kaeya still managed to pull out sarcastic comments. "Oh? I wasn't the one who chose to stare back."

You softly clicked your tongue which he responded with a chuckle. "A kiss would resolve all these, right?"

You squinted at him. "In my eyes?"

"On your eyes."

"...A kiss might mentally take the pain away but not physically. Also, it usually doesn't work so I don't see the point of trying."

"Trying can't hurt no one?" Kaeya shrugged.

Only looking at him made you loosen your shoulders, showing him that you're giving up on bantering with him. "Everything comes with a price," you replied last and hoped and waited that you didn't have to ask him yourself about that kiss he was offering.

The man just smiled and refused to tease you further. He gave you that kiss; fortunately, no one interrupted. It didn't take the pain away, though, you complained. "I told you it won't work."

A woman sighed. "Oh, my. And here I am I thought I was in the library," she playfully said. "Well, there are plenty of rooms around the city, and the library's restricted section isn't one of them. I get that you two are done reading?"

That line made Kaeya laugh. "Of course, and it's time for listening lessons, and it's inside one of the rooms here in Mondstadt."

You knew what that meant.

You elbowed him but made sure you didn't hurt him as well. "Shut up."

Kaeya waved at Lisa and mentally thanked her for letting him borrow the room for a bit--it only was because you were there. As you left with him, he asked you another question.

"So, why were you reading that book? Finally decided to give the team a try?"

"No? I'm doing it out of boredom."

Yet he already knew why. And that absolutely made him delightful.

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