5: A Clear Vision

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Did you ever see Captain Kaeya without his eyepatch on?

Your leg crossed on top of the other, your arms crossed over your chests as you began thinking.

Yeah, how does it look like?

Ladies who swooned over Kaeya kept thinking about such a thing, and even almost had asked everyone if they did, including you.

Of course, Diluc wanted nothing to do with it.

Now that they mentioned it, it made you wonder; you hadn't seen Kaeya remove that eyepatch ever since, even after becoming close friends.

Paimon did ask about it before but you shove it off, thinking that she was just trying to play some sort of mind games. But now that everyone was talking about it, you couldn't help but imagine how he would look like without it.

You stared blankly in front of you. It was just around nine in the morning; not many had gotten out of their houses yet or have woken up for that matter. It gave you a space outside Angel's Share, a perfect spot to ponder about most of the random things you could come up with.

I wonder...

Should I ask him to remove it for a few seconds so I could see? Or is he hiding something under that eyepatch?

I once wanted to ask but what I thought was it was some kind of his fashion sense so I never dared question further.

Now that I analyse it even more, the fashion sense part doesn't make...sense.

You slowly opened your eyes from thinking too much. Briefly, you asked yourself why you even were making it such a problematic case when you could just act like nothing was going on.

But it was hard to forget now that it was mentioned.

However, when you were on your way to leave the incident be, a pair of blue-lilac eyes welcomed you along with that voice you knew so well. "You seem bothered."

Two eyes. Blue-lilac-coloured.

You jumped in surprise, and fell from your chair. For a moment, your visions darkened and when they returned, Kaeya was... Kaeya was in his usual. The eyepatch was on.

Were you daydreaming?

It felt real, you were aware.

You convinced yourself that you were just thinking about it too much that you began having weird images of Kaeya without his eyepatch on. You shook your head when he asked you if you were all right. "Nothing to worry about, Kaeya. I was just... Lost. For a bit, I suppose."

"Lost? Is something bothering you?"

"No, I... It's...," how should you put it, you didn't know, but you tried your best to avert his attention elsewhere. To avoid Kaeya from pressing you further. "I was, um, I guess, daydreaming? I can't quite remember what happened..."

"Did you hear?"

You and Kaeya's attention dropped onto two women, one of them being Marjorie, as you unintentionally eavesdropped on their conversation.

From the corner of your eyes, you saw Kaeya slightly tilt his head to the side as he waited for the women to speak.

"About Captain Kaeya... Someone asked me if I've seen him without his eyepatch on. And, to be real, I'm curious as well. Did you see him remove it even just once?"

Marjorie's interest was immediately piqued. "No. I've never thought much of it until this question started going around the city this morning. But, to be honest, why does it matter? He might have another good or injured eye under it, his eyeball might be gold or silver, but Captain Kaeya is Captain Kaeya. Whatever his eyes may be, he remains the same."

You, without yourself knowing, answered though in a mumble. "Yeah... Kaeya is Kaeya. Why are we worrying about something so stupid?"

Both of you watched the ladies make their ways as they chose to settle on letting the topic go. After all, there was something else more important that they should be talking about. Perhaps, the run of the market on the following days, for one of the few.

As you turned back to your friend, there they were! Two blue-lilac eyes, staring directly at you!

For a few seconds, you failed to function but with at least three slaps on your cheeks, you were sure that you were in the right timeline and in the right moment. A lot changed with his eyepatch removed, and he looked a whole lot better.

For some reason, you felt your face heating up just by being looked at. You wanted to turn away but you seemed frozen; Kaeya didn't even use his Vision to have you be in such a way.

"That reaction says that I look good, no?" You admired his guts to joke around and feel so full of himself at this kind of time. Unarguably, he was saying the truth.

"Y-You, um...," you tried gulping this off and when it seemed successful, you unintentionally released the words: "You're handsome..."

Whilst feeling embarrassed like you were, a smirk drew itself across his lips, outright telling you that he was nothing but in pure amusement. "Oh? Only with my eyepatch off?"

"No, ahh..."

"I see. So I'm handsome either way, is that it?"

"Yes!" But you quickly took it back. With hesitation. "...Er, no...?"

"Your first answer is your last answer."

"What, we never talked about that!" The sense of the conversation being rather unfair snapped you back away from your amazement. "Kaeya, that is unfair! You clearly took advantage of my state!" You slammed your hand against the wooden table. Well, almost.

It didn't matter if he did, though. "It wasn't my fault that you let your guard down," he chuckled. "If this was the battlefield, you'd be losing by now."

"You were having fun, weren't you?!"

He only gave you that smile that captured your heart many times already. However, you didn't let it rule over you. "Forget that I even said anything, captain."

"Well, that would be difficult now, wouldn't it?" And he kept playing around you. It was effortless as he would in gathering intel.

You couldn't do anything but to accept the fact that you lost this argument.


(A/N: This one-shot would be awkward if, later on, we find out that his other eye isn't actually fine... Well, let's just hope he said the truth in his More About Kaeya in-game. 😂)

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