7.2: Special Menu

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(A/N: Kaeya's birthday is over? Not for this book it seems! I have 2 more to do but that would be for next week. Thank you for taking interest in this book, friends!)

Thank you for the gift.

You smiled at the thought.

I didn't know you had such a great taste.

That made you frown, disappointed that he didn't see you as mentioned; a comment that felt real yet a lie. What else were you expecting from Kaeya, anyways? Regardless, you knew it was sincere.

Come on, let's celebrate at the tavern!

"Tavern again," muttered you to yourself yet shook your head, feeling silly as if there would be elsewhere Kaeya would be celebrating at.

They have a brand-new special on the menu.

Your brows slightly raised in wonderment and confusion. "A brand-new special? In the tavern? In this kind of day?" Your questions came one after another as their line up seemed rather planned. "Hmm, Death in This Afternoon is up for sale? That can't be. Word should've come out earlier today," your thumb and pointer finger from your right hand went under your chin as you begin thinking. "Ah! Diluc might have found this the best way to celebrate his brother's birthday with him without needing to say anything? That might be it..."

I'm sure it'll taste even better if we try it together.

For some reason, the last line had you flinching, flustered and embarrassed about the thought of just being together with the cavalry captain despite actually being together for months and counting now. However, you deemed, for him, especially, it would be something you wouldn't hesitate to do.

You donned yourself with your usual and marched your way to the tavern, just east from Good Hunter. Your hand extended to open the door yet soon pulled back and hesitated. You were feeling nervous, and didn't know why for.

Softly, you delivered slaps on your cheeks simultaneously and enough to wake, compose, and convince yourself that it would be normal. Just the usual, right? Upon sighing, you went on, now with Patton's aid with the door.

No one's around.

Until Charles came out.

Relief washed over you. Good... Good. Someone's here.

"Captain Kaeya's waiting for you upstairs."

"Upstairs? Wh... We didn't--" talk about this but you couldn't seem to find yourself having the courage to explain further. It shouldn't surprise you like this. It's just the second floor, nothing unusual, as you kept convincing yourself but they seem to not work.

"Yeah, you can take the stairs to the right. You wouldn't miss him."

All you could do was nod, and do as requested. It would be embarrassing to ignore the bartender's efforts especially if it was favoured by someone else you're somewhat involved with.

You did the same gesture you had before entering the tavern which you didn't notice that the captain had seen. Almost over the stairs, that familiar voice interrupted you.

"Oh~ I thought you wouldn't come," stated him with a soft short shrug. "Here I am wondering if I was drunk and sent the letter to someone else," it was a joke, you knew, but you didn't focus on it that much. "And I almost started expecting that I'd be celebrating my birthday alone. That would be really sad."

You countered his sarcasms effortlessly. "A person who doesn't even remember their birthday can't say they'll be sad when they celebrate alone," though, of course, within you, it was undoubtful that there was a tint of believing everything that he uttered.

It wouldn't make sense to ask him why, of all places, he chose to be in Angel's Share but you had a feeling that it was necessary to break the silence, to talk about something else; something that interests you both, perhaps?

That one particular part on his letter gave you an idea. Right. How could you forget that?

"You mentioned about a brand-new special on your letter. What was it?" You were curious as to what Charles or, maybe, Diluc, managed to mix on this very day. Unarguably, regardless of who made it, it would be delicious.

A chuckle escaped his lips. "Ah, about that...," the man placed his glass of wine down on the table, leaned his back against his chair, placed an elbow hanging on his backrest, and began speaking. "There's no brand-new special~"

You spoke none, and only had your instincts take control of you. And that was by giving him a deadpan look, thereafter standing to give him your cue of leaving him alone.

"Aww, you're leaving?" You were about to respond but you were cut off when he continued. "...Me? Celebrating alone? On my birthday?"

You didn't even dare to make a step away.

"That's actually sad... I was expecting to have this day be celebrated with you, though. I guess you didn't want to come, after all."

As you turned to face him, your hunch wasn't wrong. He had that stupid smirk across his lips as if he was expecting that you would go soft, and change your mind. He was right but you maintained your stand by sighing, and attempting to walk away again, but, once more, you were abruptly stopped.

"I'm serious. I want to spend this day with you."

You noticed the change in his tone, and that alone had you feeling flustered seemingly as quick as lightning. You faced him again, and sat back. "Why didn't you just tell me the truth? That you wanted to do more of this with me?"

"Well, for one, you wouldn't come if I told you that I want you to drink with me, would you?" That's right. You could handle a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar but you wanted to take it into moderation as you drank only yesterday. You would most likely reject his offer as he said. But you also were aware that it was his birthday. There was no way you'd ignore your significant other's request. "Second, I'm not really... It's been a long time since the last I did celebrate something for myself. I sort of already forgotten about it so I wanted to remember more of it with you."

Of course, you tried to maintain your composure else he would be nothing but entertained with the way you'd react to his words. You wanted to explain how birthdays actually work but you were interrupted by Charles who carefully placed two plates of food on your table along with light blue-coloured drink; it wasn't the usual Apple Cider Vinegar that Kaeya buys for you.

You turned to him, confused--which he surely expected.

"Enjoy your meal," said Charles, soon excusing himself.

To Kaeya, you spoke. "Wh... Meal? In Angel's Share?"

"I personally asked Charles to make something for us," shrugged him. "What do you think? It feels like we're dating, no?"

"We're celebrating your birthday. We're not dating!"

He laughed. "Birthdate then~"

"That is the stupidest thing I've heard today."

"But it makes sense, you have to admit."

That one stupid thing you thought continued several years after, though.

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