7.1: Courage

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(A/N: Not related to the previous chapter. Just a sub-chapter aiming to greet Kaeya on his birthday but with a different plot. 👀)

Two people, including you, sighed in unison. You had your hand under your jaw, your elbow over the table. It had been a few minutes since you, a young woman in red, and a man in green sat in one of the areas near Good Hunter.

Unarguably, the City of Freedom was in absolute peace recently which meant that there was nothing people could do but patrol and make sure that nothing would harm Mondstadt in the future.

Before Amber could make another sigh out of boredom for she was deployed nowhere and was only told to stay in the city in case she would be needed, the date today made her snap out of it. "Ah, that reminds me... Isn't today Sir Kaeya's birthday?"

You jolted.

Venti was about to share his thoughts when they both noticed your little movement. "What's wrong?" Asked the bard, head tilted to the side in utmost wonder. However, that didn't take too much time for him to realise what's been going on with you. "Oh... I see now," it might have been a bard's talent or a god, you wouldn't know.

"Right...," a suspicious smile crossed Amber's lips whilst her arms were over her chest. "I'm pretty sure our friend here already has something for the captain. Right? Right?"

You did but chose not to respond. The expression of surprise that you had all over your face slowly drifted away, and turned into a small but noticeable frown. A sigh, again, perhaps for the nth time now.

"Oh, what's wrong now?" Asked Venti.

The famed Honorary Knight and his companion came as well. "What's with that face? You look a bit down, it seems."

"She is down!" Insisted Paimon.

Amber started to feel a bit worried about that mien you just had made. "That's right! What's bothering you?"

The four had passed looks at each other, conversing using it as well. Aether shrugged, Paimon doing the same. Venti turned to Amber which just gave her a hint. "...Is this about Sir Kaeya? You started making that face when he was mentioned... Did... Did something bad happened between you both?"

"Oh, right!" Paimon cut off. "Isn't it his birthday today? Maybe, she doesn't have anything ready for his birthday?" Paimon placed her thumb and pointer finger under her chin. "Wait, why? Are they close?"

"She doesn't know," simply said Aether to everyone. At least, there was something Paimon doesn't know. And her not knowing anything either had you good at hiding or she just didn't catch wind of it which eitherway was good.

Venti replied at least three quick nods, recognising what he said.

Amber, as a good person she has always been, began offering you methods to ease your feeling. "Hmm, let's see! If you need help about choosing gifts for Sir Kaeya, we can lend you a hand! I have no idea what he likes except from Dandelion Wine and that thing he calls Death in This Afternoon."

As if you needed to know that.

You sighed again, shoving the fact that Paimon wasn't aware. "I... I have a gift for him but I...," another sigh but of disappointment this time. "...I just don't know how to hand it to him. I don't want to bother anyone, not Aether, not you. I want to personally hand it over to him but...," courage and steps, you lacked them.

"You couldn't?" Despite the uncertainty in her voice, she had a point.

This time, the nod you made gave them a clearer view of what was going on in your mind.

As if fate wasn't intentionally making things awkward, a man with his exotic look came walking by. He failed to notice your group, but with Paimon, of course, he was called over.

"Hey! Kaeya!" Whilst floating, little arm extended to wave, and call his attention to where you were.

Amber, Venti and Aether attempted to stop Paimon from making things more of a hassle but everyone failed, including you. Only hearing his name had your heart racing more than normal. Fortunately, you were able to contain it.

"Oh, if it isn't everyone!" The man closed his distance with you and the others. "You seem to have gathered in one place! Liking Good Hunter so far?"

Paimon shook her head. "No, no, not that! Our friend here actually wants to say something!"

It made you stand from your seat aggressively; surprised, confused and tensed.

Internally, you told Paimon to keep it a secret, your pointer finger and thumb tugging her outfit albeit gently and in panic. It was too late, though; you had to face the captain. "Uh...," you darted your eyes to all of them only to get one demeanour of encouragement from Amber, a thumb raise from Venti, and a shrug from both Paimon and Aether, all not helping.

"Hm? Out with it," stated him, waiting for your words.

"You, um, how have you been...?" The tone you used seemed like you weren't sure if that was what you wanted to ask. To be honest, you didn't actually know what to say.

"Oh, I'm good. The city is peaceful which is a good thing. This means more time to... To do more things," he chuckled then. You knew he was just finding time to sit around in the tavern, chitchat and drown himself with wine.

However, with your situation, you hardly ever focused on it.

"Hmm...," Aether's little friend began again. "Hey, isn't today your birthday? What do you think about gifts?"

"Haha, I was expecting a birthday greeting but that's an interesting question."

"You think? 'Cause I think someone here wants to hand you over a present but she doesn't know how--"



"Not me," declined Amber.

Blue-lilac eyes looked directly at you. There was no one else who possessed a she but you.

You protested. "No, I wasn't planning to-- I--"

And then, his eyes dropped onto that piece of gift box you placed on the table not long ago.

Not literally, but you looked like you froze.

"It's definitely not Paimon either, yes?" Asked him.

With small words of "Go, you can do it!" from Amber, you were able to sigh your embarrassment off, gather your courage, command yourself to come close to him, and properly hand over the gift. Though was there a hesitation, you got to proceed. "H-Happy birthday, Captain Kaeya..."

The gift was accepted, and you were first responded with a smile. "It's a nice thing to know that this wasn't for someone else."

You were confused by what he meant, thinking that it was a natural line used to friends but days later, you understood.

Some birthday items Kaeya had no use for were given to those who needed them the most, and original givers of those never minded. However, the little sculpture of him that you made was placed on his table in his office as you were seeing right now.

"He really kept it, huh..."

"Of course, I would," it surprised you that someone suddenly spoke but you gathered your balance. "There's no point on putting someone's hard work to waste. Well, at least, when I'm talking about someone I've taken a liking to."

"You have what...?"

Of all those gifts he had received that day, yours was actually what mattered to Kaeya the most.

(A/N: I was too idle last week, and now, plots regarding Kaeya's birthday suddenly are surging. ausdhskadjhasd Anyway, happy birthday, Captain Kaeya!)

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