7.3: Slipping Truth

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Captain Kaeya was starting to have doubts about himself, and of what he feels.

Whenever you're around, lies which have remained utterly hidden for years and years to come seem to get unmasked almost effortlessly with just yourself talking to him. No, he couldn't have drank a glass too many as he deemed for he was known to handle his alcohol well despite Death in This After Noon's supplies coming unforeseen.

Why, he'll question, and he usually wouldn't be able to fish for an answer.

A letter of invitation, you received from him. Of course, it was going to be held in Angel's Share, his favourite place. But most things that captured your attention in his letter were I suppose a little honesty with oneself couldn't hurt and I have plenty of stories...and plenty of time.

In front of you was the building of the famed tavern of Mondstadt which you didn't hesitate to enter when you arrived

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In front of you was the building of the famed tavern of Mondstadt which you didn't hesitate to enter when you arrived. You heard a greeting from Patton, the place's Caller, but since your focus was still on the letter he sent you, Patton's voice came rather vague. It wasn't a bother for Patton because to a Caller, being ignored is pretty common.

Your eyes scanned the area, looking for one particular man but failing to spot him had you moving upstairs. Kaeya probably wanted to be away from the crowd's eyes for a moment, you told yourself.

 Kaeya probably wanted to be away from the crowd's eyes for a moment, you told yourself

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And he was there.

Right hand lifted his glass of Dandelion Wine, spun slightly to stir as he seemed to be spacing out. Odd, you knew, for such things are rare for a man who always has his guard up. Though he was looking at the cubes of ice bumping against each other, he still looked like he was blankly staring at it for no reason.

Casually, you approached him but he barely even moved a muscle. "Kaeya," you called, avoiding the fact that you might surprise him and have his drink spill over him. "Hey," called you again, still nothing. "Kaeya! Hey!" Tone raised, brows slightly furrowed in annoyance. This time, he jolted and looked rather confused of your arrival.

"Oh... Hey," but he managed to have himself remember why you were even there in the first place. "Right. I gave you that letter and asked you to come over. Thanks. Take it a seat," his free left hand motioned to his opposite direction, leading you where exactly you should be.

"If you're not sober, you can take a rest," said you out of worry. "You looked like you've been thinking of something serious. I've been here standing in front of you, and calling you but you wouldn't move a muscle. If you're not all right, if you've taken a glass too many, you need to go and take a rest. Though the Acting Grand Master surely would give you an earful for not following what was written in the core principles of the Knights of Favonius Handbook."

"Haha, do I look like I'm not sober?"

"You feel like you aren't sober is what," as he was good at hiding every little truth he has.

"I'm still sober," countered him. "This is very much my first glass but I barely drank any."

Your orbits dropped onto the drinking container which just proved that he was saying the real thing. "Well, we wouldn't be able to celebrate your birthday if you keep being like this," you sighed. "Is something bothering you? Did something happen? Tell me, and let me see if I can lend you a hand."

"Nothing bad happened but I, indeed, am kind of bothered..."

The tone he used hardly washed the worry that took you over not long ago. You reached for his left hand that was dropped against the table for a short time now, and had it caressed softly as you could for you believed that such a gesture would help Kaeya ease his mind from all those bothersome things running in it right now. Though not much, you were one step further, that's for sure.

"I know one way to clear your mind," he looked at you as you spoke. "We have to talk about that. If it's too personal, it's okay, you don't have to tell me but we need to think of something else that could make you relaxed. If your work is getting a toll on you, I can tell Jean about that and ask for a leave. Of course, you have to do the documents on your own."

"No, it's not about work... It's... How should I put this...," Kaeya never took off his attention away from the one he's speaking to but he's doing it to you as of this moment. It must've been something you've done, you thought. "Hmm... What do you do when you like someone?"

It was that kind of question that caught you off guard. Instead of having to actually answer it, you asked him back. "Oh. That kind of thing. Why, is the captain finally liking someone?" Strange, though, for he's known to be the romantic type. Assumingly, he should know at least some regarding such a matter.

Well, perhaps, everyone does have their own kind of messing up when it comes to falling in love. And this one was Kaeya's.

"I wouldn't know, honestly. It might be the like as friends or it could be more, that's why I'm asking you. I want to know to make sure that I'm not believing the wrong things. If it's too hard to answer, you don't have to do it. Time will eventually tell," responded him.

The thought of Kaeya liking someone else was already breaking you into pieces but, regardless, being one of his closest friends, you tried your utmost best to give him the answers he needed. "According to my personal experiences, when you like--sometimes, maybe, love--someone, you think about them a lot. Every little thing reminds you about them. They are in your mind 24/7. Everything you see seems to revolve about them. If you have someone that's making you crazy over them without them intentionally making you so, you probably don't like them. You love them," images of him were in your mind as you spoke of points of someone possibly falling in love.

Kaeya stared blankly at his glass of wine once more as if he was analysing everything you said. Soon enough, he had himself turning to you. "I told you about little honesty to oneself sometimes wouldn't be bad at all, right?"

You nodded. "Mm, why, what is it?"

"I like you."

You might have died internally more than you did earlier.

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