13: Burning Ice

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(A/N: This was written long ago and was rushed. I apologise if there are mistakes as this was unchecked. I've been having writer's block since Valentine's--even failing to write a Valentine's update, running out of ideas, and motivation altogether but I do hope that this update will suffice.)

Hide and seek.

You were lucky to have played a lot of it when you were little. Margaret's Little Prince was a quick one, admittedly. However, with the skill that had grown within you as you aged, it was nothing but a piece of cake.

With the quick feline finally locked in your arms, you handed him over to his owner. It wasn't a commission or of some sort; had you only seen Margaret worried sick about her friend, and decided to help. It was something a Mondstadter wouldn't hesitate to do.

"Here you go!"

Glad, she was undeniably. "Ah, thank you! I'm so fortunate to bump into you!" Quickly, her attention was given to the seemingly clueless Little Prince. "Are you okay, dear? Hurt anywhere?" She soon nuzzled his cheeks with hers, cuddling him as well.

You gave her a smile and decided to leave to let her have her alone time with her small friend.

But you were stopped abruptly so.

"Hey," it was a man you've seen before but, unfortunately, don't remember his name. He feels too unimportant if it's the case, right? "Are you free tonight?"

"Hey, uh...," you hesitated, unsure how to drive off a man without being rude but actually being obvious. "Free for what?" Regardless, you gave him the answer he was seeking. "No? I usually have my hands full no matter the time and the day. If you need something from me, it's best to tell now or you won't be finding me this free next time."

Kaeya, who was in the middle of ensuring that the city falls into no chaos, spotted you talking to another man. No, he didn't come off angry. Instead, he remained cool, stood at that same spot, and pinned his attention to the image of conversation before him. Surely enough, the captain made sure that he was a distance away enough to hear what you both were talking about whilst remaining unspotted.

"Y-Yeah, well...," the man before you stuttered but managed to blurt the next out. "I was thinking if I can invite you over to my home to spend time with? I'd prepare the things you want if you don't mind!"

The smile he had across his lips had you hesitating to turn him down. You wanted to but words refused to form and be expressed. "Um... That sounds really tempting but, uh, I-I can't really go. A lot of people depend on my availability. If I go missing, I wouldn't be able to help them with their commissions."

"Aww, come on!" Hopeful, the man was. "I can ask Katheryne to give you a few days break, if that's what you're worried about? So you don't need to accept any commissions for those days," explained him further.

"Um, thank you, really, but I can't let down my guard especially when it's clear that the people need extra hands," as honest and gentle as possible, you answered.

He didn't understand that, however, his face souring. "Well, if I can't get you to spend time with me, can you at least look up at me and close your eyes? I'll give you something."

Slightly, Kaeya's brows furrowed, his usual smile made a small but utterly noticeable downwards curve. Oh, no, he's not going to do it, is he? Regardless, the captain surely had something up his sleeve in case it doesn't come out as he expected it to be.

You responded to the stranger with a sigh. In order to drive him away without saying the rudest thing you could, you did as requested. Eyes closed, head tilted upwards, you patiently waited for something you're not sure of. You did feel that someone was getting closer, and it had your heart racing than usual but you wanted the man's request to be over thus you staying still.

"You shouldn't be doing that especially when they tell you that they don't want to~"

That familiar voice made you open your eyes rather abruptly.

A small barrier of ice now was placed in between you and the man, the other fearing for his life. "Wh--"

"Captain Kaeya?" You uttered in surprise. "What are--"

"That's right," his attention remained onto the man though undeniably, he heard you. "You shouldn't be doing that to someone else's lover."

"What? Lover?"

A guy you were only dreaming about becoming your lover? You felt that you needed to be slapped to have yourself wake up from his illusion but you were too caught up in the situation that you couldn't even process anything.

The stranger's reaction was almost the same as you though yours wasn't vocalised. Confused as you were, all you could do was pass a look at who was currently speaking.

"Captain Kaeya of the Knights of Favonius? Her lover?" Just knowing Kaeya's name and position had the other gulping in fear. Despite so, he scoffed that off. "You can't just come over here, interrupt our conversation and tell me that you're in a relationship with her. I've been here watching her but I didn't even see a single moment of you two together," a creep, you thought. "You gotta prove that you're her lover, captain. Who knows, you might just be doing all this because you want to ensure peace in Mondstadt."

Kaeya turned to you which had you making a small jolt in the process. Still puzzled, you looked up at him as he closed the distance between you both, somewhat pushing away the stranger when he did. Left arm hooked itself behind you, gently pushed you toward him, right hand's thumb and pointer finger tilted your head at him.

At this rate, the man who challenged Kaeya was already feeling too convinced that he was saying the truth.

Kaeya planted a soft and seemingly chilling kiss on your lips, causing you to feel goosebumps as well. He didn't freeze you but you couldn't move.

Such an action had the man snap his tongue in annoyance and eventually walking away, not letting Kaeya finish what he just had showed him.

You were almost breathless with how long Kaeya managed to hold the kiss, impressed even. He smelt and tasted like the dandelion wine but you didn't pay much attention to it. You seemed to be seeking for an answer despite already knowing why he had to do that but there was a part of you that wanted another.

Kaeya, of course, noticed that by only looking at your eyes. Normally, he would tease you over something he usually would but this time, he gave it to you without words. In the middle of the city. Where other people could see. He wanted it too, after all.

You placed your arms over his shoulders, pulling him closer and embracing him eventually.

Amazed, Kaeya was. "You still remember every little detail? You're really one of a kind~"

You slightly pouted. "One can't easily forget something so embarrassing. We were being watched back then. Of all places, Kaeya..."

"Oh? Did that embarrass you? You looked like you were really into it, though~"

"You speak as if you weren't eager about it either."

A three year old little boy with blue-lilac eyes came running towards you, arms extended in the air seemingly asking to be lifted. You gave what he wanted. You playfully pinched and nuzzled his cheeks which was responded with an adorable giggle. "Your father is being mean again..."

The young one pushed himself against you, asking to be brought down, you gave him that. Then, he marched towards his father, and softly hits him with his palm.

On the other hand, Kaeya played like he was being hurt badly, then followed it with a chuckle. "Is papa really that mean?"

He grinned, and nodded aggressively.


"Hmm, well, if that's the case, should I make up to it?"

"Make up to it? How?"

"Oh, you'll know~"

And he made that smirk. You, of all people, knew what that meant.

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