7.4: Flipping Coin

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Eyes scanned the area for that one particular captain who seemed to always have his hands full with assignments. No one knows what exactly those assignments are, maybe, besides Jean, but they, including you, believed it was for the betterment of the City of Freedom. You weren't sure if he was around but you did hope he was.

With his rare taste of fashion, it didn't take you long to spot him. Playful, you were feeling, you fed yourself with it by quickly snatching the coin Kaeya was playing with. "Got ya!"

That surprised him but he first responded you with a smile, himself not attempting to snatch his penny off from you. "Oh, I thought you were out on an adventure?"

"I actually just came back. I came looking for you because I found this lying around the back gate of the city," you showed him a piece of a golden insignia which, of course, drew him an expression that he knew who it belonged to. "Yeah, those guys again. Did you take care of them already? I assumed you did and they dropped this."

The man nodded. "I just finished. They are becoming aggressive as of late, not to mention the Abyss Order. No matter how Diluc and Lisa scare them, it seems to me that they don't have any plans on stopping. Well, not me or us either," then, the smile on his lips returned. "So... When do you plan to return my money?"

"Oh, this?" Provoked you by raising it to show it to him. "Hmm... If you guessed which hand has it, then have it," you placed your hands behind so you could choose a perfect hand to have it held. When you were done, with them almost clenched, they were shown in front of the captain. "Choose!"

"Is this some sort of guessing game?" Asked him, focus was on your hands.

"It's more of a try-your-luck kind of thing," you responded with a bright expression.

"If I chose the wrong one, what would happen?" Keen he was for he had given you an idea of giving some sort of consequence in case he fails.


The voice of the Caller of Angel's Share suddenly took over the peace and silence engulfing the said city. "New supply just arrived in Angel's Share! Famed drink Death in This Afternoon for sale! Grab yours now until supplies last!"

You quickly turned to Kaeya which he returned. That smirk on your lips had given him an idea of what type of consequence you'd give him. "No, you won't," blocked him but you, seemingly as fast as lighting, countered that one.

"Sure, I will," and that, of course, did you make official. "If you chose the wrong hand, you won't get any Death in This Afternoon until its next appearance in the market."

The horror on his face, you should've video taped it. However, since he's Kaeya, he never forgot to mask it with elegance as usual. He chuckled, looking rather composed. "Well, I was expecting that you'd give me at least one bottle for my birthday but, hmm, you're really full of surprises," the smile crossed on his lips didn't look so much of what he meant.

With only the mention of him not getting his favourite was already making him look rather fragile.

It was entertaining to see a different side of the affable, winsome, genial Captain Kaeya.

"All I need is to choose the right hand," he told himself but it was loud enough for it to be audible for you.

You couldn't help but form an upturn curve on your lips, utterly finding how interestingly cute Kaeya was to be so worked up over some random dare. Then again, if it was you in his position, you'd most probably double the effort to guess the right thing.

Half-gloved pointer finger moved to choose your right hand.


"Damn it."

You chuckled at that wholesome reaction. "Well, what do you know~ A dare is a dare, captain. You can't drink Death in This Afternoon until next supply, all right?" To make sure that he wouldn't, you came to Patton and inside the tavern for Charles, to inform them of the dare. You then turned to him. "You can't tell Vile or anyone else to buy Death in This Afternoon for you, Kaeya. Play equal," after a playful point at him, you left.

Charles, for one, actually looked worried for Kaeya's well-being.

The cavalry captain returned to his office to finish his paper and probably divert his attention elsewhere to forget that Death in This Afternoon was for sale. But it was soon forgotten as he quickly marched down to the tavern only to get rather disappointed for he had remembered the dare.

One step forward was halted halfway, then had he turned himself away from the tavern's entrance. "No," he told himself.

You saw that, and chuckled at the thought that Kaeya was doing his best not to break the deal.

Nimrod came passing by, saw Stanley sitting on one of the chairs outside Angel's Share, and with frustration, the man expressed it to the rather unoccupied Stanley. "I can't believe Death in This Afternoon got sold out too fast! The last one already had been bought!"

"Really? Well, it's not a surprise since there are a lot of people waiting for it to be up in the market. Like Captain Kaeya," remarked Stanley. Upon seeing the image they were talking about not long ago, the man greeted the city's protector and waved once. "You've bought yours already, right, captain? Pretty sure you did. It's your favourite after all. You can't miss it."

Bruce, a Knights of Favonius member, and also Angel Share's regular, stopped near Kaeya before getting inside the tavern. "Wanna have a drink with me, captain? It's my free time right now. It's on me."

As if those lines couldn't hurt him further. "Haha, that's right, I already did have mine. Well, I do hope you enjoy your time, gentlemen," Kaeya immediately left the area to prevent himself from being tormented even more. A sigh escaped his lips, frustrated indeed.

If only they know...

You sat near Good Hunter's, and called over for him when he passed by. The downed face he was having earlier was quickly snatched away and replaced with his usual smile, pretending that he was nothing but all right not having Death in This Afternoon at all. Without teasing him more, you brought out two bottles of his favourite drink and gave it over. "Happy birthday!"

His face brightened. "And here I am thinking you've gone heartless~"

It was amazing to see Kaeya's new facet but as his partner, you didn't really have the nerve to hurt him more than you already did. "I can't really do that to you, can I?" After, a smile curved itself across your lips.

You instantly regretted giving him it that day.

Not only did you have to drag a seemingly drunk Captain Kaeya back home but he was sober enough to take revenge on you that night as well.

(A/N: I wonder what happened...)

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