2: That One Night in Mondstadt

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In the middle of the night, he awoke. His blue-lilac eyes stared at the ceiling for a brief moment before it being taken away by a small movement just next to him. He tilted his head to your direction as you murmured incomprehensibly, something Kaeya didn't bother to decode. Thereafter, his body faced you, right arm being used as his temporarily pillow.

"I don't...," you began, unintentionally burying your face in his chest. "Not fruit skewers, Kaeya... I need chicken. How many times do I have to tell you that...," the last parts of your words were almost inaudible but luckily, with the silence engulfing the City of Freedom, Kaeya was able to comprehend.

"I wonder how you live without fruits," said him despite knowing you're in slumber. With a playful tone, he continued. "You get lots of fruits more than you get meat in the wild, you know," and then, his free hand began caressing your cheek, as well removing some strands of your hair off your face.

With his touches you had woken up, your blurry sights slowly adjusting to your surroundings, and soon seeing Kaeya close to your face. As you processed everything that was going on, Kaeya being utterly near to you was a surprise no more. "Why are you awake this early? Were you called upon?"

"By the protector of Mondstadt?" Answered him cheekily.

"No. Favonius knight duties?"

"No, I just wanted to look at you."

"At this hour?"

"Things do kick in randomly."


A smirk ran across his lips.

You turned away from him. "Kaeya, I want to sleep more, please let me sleep more."

Kaeya retained his position until his arms began extending to capture you in it. "Can't I get cuddles at least before work hours?"

"You speak as if you don't get cuddles even in work hours."

"What, you think I'm lazing around?"

"No, but..."

"But, kind of?"

You didn't respond, and he believed he was right.

"Being in the tavern most of the time and roaming around talking to people aren't products of laziness. Let's just say that it's my way to gather intel. It's easier done that way, anyway, and more interesting in a sense," albeit being locked on the bed, you could picture him doing a shrug.

"I know you're good at it, Kaeya. I'm not saying you're lazy or whatnot; I'm just saying that I want to sleep more," as you said this, you had yourself facing to him, so he would be aware, that even in the darkness, you were speaking sincerely. "And this kind of hour is obviously not the time to be talking about...things."

"Things like this is better unplanned," he chuckled then.

"Kaeya... Stop."

"Fine, fine. I get it."

"I'll give you cuddles but can I please sleep after?"

"That's cold. Colder than me, it seems."

A sleepy deadpan look was passed over to him, a sign that you weren't buying his jokes anymore.

"Okay, all right, I'm dropping it."

Soonest he surrendered himself, you began moving closer to him, your arms spreading for him which he didn't hesitate to accept. He was wanting that after all. His lips, which was touching against your arm, felt that his usual upturn curve went upside down. A frown, perhaps? "Are you all right? Is being a Cavalry Captain difficult?"

"I'm fine."

With that short response, you started feeling like there really was something going on with him. His past? Work? Missions? You couldn't tell but you chose not to pry further. All you could do for him was this cuddle, and...

You broke free from the embrace and went downwards to level him. With your now free hands, you cupped his face, made him look at you, and lovingly, you encouraged him. "Kaeya, I don't know what's going on in your mind right now or with you generally but if you ever feel like you need to rant or vent, or, well, someone who can listen to your worries, I'm always here. I will not judge you. At all!"

That smile drew itself back up again, his focus was on you this time. "Yeah."

You returned that curve, and gave him a peck on his lips. It triggered him well enough that he decided to pull you, and kiss you. You returned it but it seemed more likely repeated pecks from you. And Kaeya looked fine with it.

It hadn't been long when you two began getting into the situation so much that Kaeya began to move on top of you. His eyes remained on you, that smile still so.

"No," you said plainly, head gently shaking in a gesture mentioned. He hadn't even gone further but you already rejected his attempts and the next.

Kaeya spoke of none and only chose to do what he wanted to. He began to give you kisses, ones deeper than earlier. You had them returned, your arms moving behind him, directions almost unknown, even unintentionally pulling his pony tail's tie down, exposing his long, blue hair. The captain then placed one of his leg after the other in between yours. You gave way, of course.


It was a different voice, and for a few seconds, he failed to notice who it was; even did he believe that it was you but he was wrong. A deep sigh was expressed, eyes closing briefly as if containing his annoyance. "What?"

You look at the direction where the voice was coming from, and then back at Kaeya, making you notice the face he just made. Priceless.

"It's about time for the meeting. You said you would come first but when I noticed that you weren't there, I came to check. I-I didn't mean to bother," she said, her tone was of apology but stern enough to understand that their work comes first.

"Why didn't you wait for me? I said I was going to attend," the man wanted to say more but he chose to just keep it to himself to prevent unnecessary lighting of fire. However, you could clearly see what he was feeling just by hearing how he had spoken.

"You're the only one left unarrived so I came to check."

"Well, of course, of course. The Acting Grand Master is just worried about the well-being of her soldiers. I can understand that," he tied his hair back up, and turned to you. "Sorry. I'll make it up to you eventually," one final kiss, one final look, then he left. The expression he last did felt like you were in Mondstadt and he would be leaving for in Liyue but he'll actually only be at the headquarters.

It was frustrating for you, of course, that you kept telling Kaeya "no" but when you finally let yourself loose, you get interrupted. Then again, you couldn't deny the fact that your cavalry captain did look cute struggling not to get annoyed.

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