3: Overtrained

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Going over the roofs weren't your thing and was lucky enough to know that there was one spot near the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius that gives extraneously beautiful view outside Mondstadt. Trees, waters, mountain peaks and cliffs welcomed you. Despite the sun striking endlessly, providing the people enough light and heat, it didn't matter to you. Sometimes, a captivating landscape was enough to have you occupied for the day.

The noise Ellin was doing from her seemingly non-stop training didn't bother you but, admittedly, it was kind of distracting. Your moments of savouring the little free time you have before returning into being sent to an expedition or whatever Katheryne says available kept getting interrupted. You had no hard feelings about it; you didn't mind her shouting and using all of her strength in training but it just did make you curious.

"Ellin," you called upon facing her. "Why are you doing this?"

"This? Training hard?"

You nodded.

"Well, I want to become one of the Knights of Favonius, climb the ranks, become Grand Master Jean's second-in-command, and work with her in missions! I want to outdo my feckless father's work; he'll see!" Determination was across her eyes, something you didn't bother shoving. It's amazing that she's training hard to achieve something she really wanted.

"You must have really like Jean a lot, huh? I've heard you earlier. You were copying one of her signature moves, no?"

She suddenly felt embarrassed. "I-I... Was I too noisy? You could have told me so I've come quiet..."

You shook your head in a no gesture soonest she tried reconfirming of her noise. "No, it's totally fine! After all, you can't train well if you suppress what you actually want to express. It's not a problem! I was the one who bothered you, anyway."

"Well... If you didn't mind my noise, then it's all right with me as well," she smiled, nodding thereafter. "That reminds me, I might be interrogating you personally and you're free not to answer, but you seem to know a lot about the knights. I don't remember you being one of the members, though."

You chuckled. "Because I'm never one. I only know about some of them because the people of Mondstadt often talk about them. Also, there are books available to read in the library. We can read more of them there. Just look for Lisa, and you'll be set!"

"Reading isn't really my thing... But, on the Knights of Favonius subject, which knight do you like the most? Is it Jean as well? I mean, I'd understand because she's cool, strong, humble and modest! Remember the Stormterror issue? She mentioned that one traveler but I'm sure she was just trying to be nice. I wouldn't be surprised if you say you--"

"Hmm... I actually find Captain Kaeya cool."

Her expression seemed to have dropped. Someone cooler than Jean? Jokes. "That guy?"

Almost, she had you furrowing your brows in annoyance but you believed it was only her reaction to knowing that you didn't choose Jean. "What do you mean that guy? Kaeya is the brains of the knights. He might be reckless sometimes, you might not know what he actually means most of the time, he might look exotic, he might not be seen in the headquarters most of the time but he has his own ways of doing his job, and they usually don't go wrong. I admire him for that."

"I know he does things away from people's eyes but--"

"I knew you think of me as a cool person."

Ah, it was the voice you didn't want to hear in this kind of situation. Quite a sneaky way to embarrass you, that. You tried not to bite the bait by fighting back because that wouldn't help you at all, thus you chose to convince him that you've said otherwise. You turned around and began to reason, hoping to turn the tables to him.

"I wasn't thinking of you as a cool person. I just could see you as one."

...Which didn't make much of a difference.

And it amused him even more. "I don't think I heard the same thing, do I, Ellin?"

Being a fan of the knights, it was hard for Ellin if she was to side with you or Kaeya. She didn't want to blow your cover but she also didn't want to waste this wonderful opportunity to prove herself to the captain that honesty is one of the traits of a good knight, and she possesses it. That might become one of the reasons she gets accepted in.

And so she decided to have you fall into the cavalry captain's trap.

"S-She, um...," Ellin passed you a look first before proceeding but she didn't wait for your cue. After all, you were going to disagree. "She said she finds you cool, sir, and that, um... She admires you...?"

It was something she didn't need to add. And now, you had to deal with it.


"Of course, of course. Why would someone who wishes to become a part of the knights in the future even lie to a person who might just become the reason she gets through the trial without moving a muscle?"

You didn't want to but you saw this as a time to admit. You didn't want to be the reason Ellin's hard work would be ignored, anyways. "I... I find you cool, so what?" You shouldn't have made that pause. Because of that, Kaeya had that smirk drawn across his lips.

He's winning.

"Nothing in particular," he responded, shrugging. "I was just amazed that you could see me as one. After all, it's understandable, right?"

You tried to hide that pout that was starting to form on your lips, your arms that crossed over your chests, and the gazes that shifted to your sides. You failed. You wanted to banter, saying that his Vision would be better as Air and not Ice but for some reason, you couldn't. And then, you confessed unintentionally. "You have the brains, Kaeya. Who wouldn't fall for that?"


"I mean--"

"It's fine, don't worry!" He chuckled. "I didn't clearly hear that you've fallen for me," his sarcasm was off the charts you couldn't even fight him back.

You felt embarrassed and annoyed, speechless but wanting to make some sort of retort yet failing miserably. However, as you processed your thoughts and feelings, it soon had been interrupted by none other.

The face he was making held seriousness but seemingly away from distress or anxiousness; relaxed and assured, he looked like. Knowing that... "Well... That's a relief."

You looked up at him, both confused and surprised. "W-What do you mean...?" That one particular answer surged into you but it would be better to hear it come from him himself. Yet, he only made one shady response.

"Oh, I wonder~"

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