Chapter 8: The White Rabbit

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William stepped out into the room first. The air was stale and the room was very dimly lit; you could barely see anything. There wasn't anything, but a single stage with an arch of lights overhead. Broken wires and fallen debris littered the floor. William seemed to be able to see perfectly, but Stephanie was having a very difficult time locating her surroundings.

She slipped over yet another wire and bumped into William for the second time in that four minutes they were there. He took a step to the side each time to avoid her, but it never worked as she collided with his elbow. She quickly apologised.

"Would you like it if I were to guide you through?" he asked politely. "There's a large rock in front of you."

Stephanie shook her head and leapt over the rock by her feet. "Thank you, but I got this," she said, genuinely grateful for the heads up on the rock. "I can do it. I–OH MY GOD I TOUCHED SOMETHING!!"

Stephanie leapt to the side and fell flat on her bottom as something scurried and squeaked at her feet. She squirmed away, revolted. William chuckled softly as he walked past her.

"It was only a rat, detective," he said with a grin.

"You're not going to help me up?" Stephanie asked, her eyes finally adjusting to the darkness.

William arched an eyebrow mischievously. "I'm quite alright, thank you." He stopped suddenly, his smile disappearing. He whipped his head up to the window far in front of them. He spotted a flash of white and bunny ears flopping as it dashed.

Stephanie stood up on her feet, but William grabbed her shoulder and pushed her back down as he also crouched low beside her.

"What are you doing?!" she hissed.

William placed a finger to his lip and Stephanie shut up immediately. He was quiet for a second, his ears picking up every single sound in the area around him. From the drops of the leaky pipes to the flicker of electricity in the lights. He heard it all. He stood up again.

"We're being watched," he whispered and waved his hand to signal Stephanie to move. She got up once again and stayed low with her gun at her side.

After a few steps forward they heard a sharp surge of electricity behind them. It erupted from the stage and the lightbulbs exploded. Stephanie yelped in fright as they stopped dead in their tracks.

"I see you..." echoed a soft voice. Stephanie tried to listen to where it might've been coming from, but she couldn't pin the position of the mysterious person.

Suddenly the room lit up with a bright white light making Stephanie shield her eyes. She stumbled sideways feeling dizzy, holding the gun up as protection. William on the other hand leapt forward slashing at something Stephanie recognised as metal. He missed his target and stomped his foot angrily.

"Bloody rabbit," he mumbled as he clutched his knife tighter.

"I can't see!" Stephanie yelled out in a cry as she held her free hand out in front of her to feel her surroundings. The other was tight around her gun. She tried to calm herself down from the temperate blindness.

"Stay where you are, detective," William said in a low voice. "I'll handle this one."

"No! I have to save that child. At least this one! Please..."

She was practically begging at this point. The image of the young girl from yesterday haunted her. Her horror induced face appeared whenever Stephanie closed her eyes. She was terrified of letting this child die by her own hands.

William let out a long sigh and grabbed Stephanie's wrist roughly. She hadn't noticed it before, but his hands were really cold. She shook from the sudden chill.

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