.09 I Drink Peace Tea

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"Just leave me the fuck alone" I screamed into my phone. I hung up and threw it across the room.

"Who were you talking to" Kaleb asked as he walked into my room.

"Your creepy little stalker friend keeps calling me. I swear if my phone starts ringing again and it's Dean I will... UGH!!!" I screamed.

Kaleb pulled out his phone and called Dean immediately. "Dean stop calling Crystal. She doesn't like you so stop stalking her. She is my friend not yours and nor will she ever be yours. " Kaleb screamed into his phone. Then hung up. Kaleb immediately stormed off out of my room.

For some reason I just wanted to be alone and so I grabbed my jacket and said," I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in a half-hour" I said loudly before I slammed the door. I always slammed the door to make sure it's actually closed.

I started out towards the main door to go outside when Jamie walked down the stairs. I looked into his eyes unintentionally for a split second and instantly regretted it.

"Hey we never were properly introduced. I'm Jamie. You probably knew that since you obviously overheard me n Kaleb the day you moved into his apartment. And you are..." Jamie said. His black hair fell into his bright blue eyes.

"Hai I'm Crystal. Nice to meet you" I said trying not to stare into his eyes.

"So do you wanna go get some coffee Crystal or do you wanna stand in front of your doorway." Jamie said.

"I don't like coffee but there's a gas station a few blocks away that sells Peace Tea." I smiled.

"Sure I like Peace Tea" he smiled.

~•During the walk•~

"So what's going on with your hair." Jamie asked putting his hand on my head and screwing up my hair.

"Well it's blue. That about it" I said fixing it.

"Well I wanna know what's going on in that head of yours" he said.

"To much shit to even know what is going on" I replied staring at my shoes.

"Listen I really like you and want to get to know you. Do you think that maybe we could hangout tomorrow and walk together to the park" Jamie said.

"Yeah I'd like that" I said and Jamie moved in and so did I until our lips touched. I pulled away after a few seconds.

Once we got back to the apartment complex we exchanged numbers and went on our way. Kaleb was staring at me as I was walking back to my room with a huge smile on my face.

"So that walk was about an hour. Where'd you go?" Kaleb asked.

"I went and got peace tea." I said tossing him a can.

"For an hour. Okay well can I ask you something." he said. I nodded in response.

"Listen I like you. A lot. And I've been thinking about this for awhile and how to say this but umm... Would you give me the pleasure of going on a real date tomorrow." Kaleb said with joy in his eyes.

"Listen Kaleb last time you told me how you felt I ended up almost killing myself and I do like. I like you a lot but we're really great friends and I don't want to screw that up but you now what. Screw it. I like you a lot so yes" I said as calmly as I could. The smile that spread across his face made me even happier than I could ever be.

I moved my lips to his, moving in then kissing him. I felt something. Not like when I kissed Jamie. This felt real and fake at the same time. I pulled away and realize what i had just done. I just kissed Kaleb... my best friend, who is now my boyfriend. Well fuck.

I ran into my room and decided to hide. Kaleb didn't follow m luckily. I ran into my room and lied down, thinking about the universe. For some reason i just thought about here i am. This one person in a huge world that is full of hell and death and destruction with certain special moments where you feel happy and complete.

This world is confusing and scary and i can't deal with it. I go into my dresser and take out the sleeping pills that i had cause i was never able to sleep. The pills crept into my mouth awaiting for me to swallow and I do. I know what i am doing step by step. I curled up in my bed unbder the covers and allowed everything to go black.

Cliff-Hanger. Your welcome.

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