The first day in a new school fills everyone with excitement, anticipation... and nausea. (Y/n) (Y/l/ n) was walking through the halls of Derry High School with all eyes on her. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" The (h/c) girl mumbled to herself. "Bad first day?" Asked a tall guy with curly brown hair. (Y/n) looked at him blankly for a second, taking a moment to register the fact that one of the cutest guys she's ever laid eyes on was smiling at her politely. "No, I'm just lost." She explains awkwardly.
"Where are you supposed to be?"
"The office. I have to check in I guess."
"Oh, you really are lost." The boy laughs
With an embarrassed look on her face, (Y/n) sighs, "How lost?" She asks
"It's the other side of the school. By the library. I'll walk you."
"Really? Thank you."
"No problem."
"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Stanley Uris.""Hi, I'm (Y/n). I'm new. I came in to make sure you guys knew I was here?"
"Well of course dear. It's so great to have you!" Beamed a chubby woman.
"Thank you."
"Your tour guide is already waiting for you with your schedule. She's just a joy." The woman said, leading (Y/n) around a corner.
"Hi, I'm Jen. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'll be showing you around today." Said the soft voice of a really pretty girl. Her hair was a soft brown color and she had beautiful freckles that complemented her tiny nose. She was absolutely stunning with her pretty grey eyes that were crinkled due to her smile, which was also perfect with the unnoticeable chip in her front tooth.
"(Y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you as well.""So there's Mr. Grem's room, number F117. You'll have him for science. There's Ms. Write's class room F118, she teaches art." Jen points, keeping a small smile on her face. (Y/n) attempts to match it as best as she can, in an awkward gesture of politeness. Jen points out a few more rooms, all of which (Y/n) writes down on her hand. "Thank you so much!" Smiles the (h/c) girl. Jen nods and they keep going around the school.
(Y/n) had a majority of the school memorized thanks to Jen. She'd soon found out that she'd be getting her schedule right after 2nd period, which was a cause of many mixed feelings.
On one hand, it would be a lot easier to join the classes instead of walking around outside of them, and it would be a lot better for her to try and make friends before lunch. On the other hand, however, she knew that it would be a nightmare and a half to introduce herself 6 more times.
That posed another question: where was she going to sit at lunch? (Y/n) knew that it probably wouldn't be with Jen or Stan, seeing as she'd just met them an hour ago or so. And as the new kid, she would probably be deemed as weird by everyone else.
------------------------- time skip -------------------------------
The bell rang, signifying that (Y/n) had to get to her first class of the day. She sat down in a seat towards the middle of the classroom, which has been the only empty one there. The seat next to her didn't have a person in it, but a student usually say there.
"Ok guys, let's settle. This is our new student, (Y/n) (L/n). (Y/n), care to tell us some more?" Asked Mr. Silas, his tone making it seem more like an obligation than a thing to do for shits and giggles. (Y/n) nodded slowly and awkwardly, really not wanting to. "Hi, I-" "Sorry I'm late, buddy. I really didn't want to be here." Interrupted a bog with glasses and dark hair that framed his face. He was absolutely gorgeous and the (h/c) girl couldn't help but stare. Apparently some of the other girls in the classroom had the same idea, gawking at him.
"Richard Tozier you may not come into my classroom late anymore if you want to stay in school here. You're late every day."
"Well, it was special. Today I really didn't want to be here."
"Detention. After school."
"Yes ma'am." Said the boy, sitting down in the seat next to (Y/n)'s. That earned her a few dirty stares from girls around them.In an odd way, (Y/n) was pretty thankful fo Richard Tozier. Sure, he may have interrupted her, but he also saved her, and now she was sitting next to him. He saw that she was zoned out while the teacher went on about something stupid. He smiled and tapped her shoulder.
"Hey, toots. I wanted to say sorry for interrupting you."
"It's alright. Richard, right?"
"No, just Richie is fine. And you are?"
"(Y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you just Richie."
"Lovely name for a lovely lady." He smiled, winking.
(Y/n) laughed and smiled at him. "I'll see you around, Rich."After that class, the others were boring, up until lunch that is. At lunch, everyone wanted to try and make (Y/n) a part of their group. However, she'd much rather sit with someone she already knows, mostly due to the fact that she would much rather not have to introduce herself again.
"(Y/n), over here!"
It was Richie. She smiled and walked over, earning a few looks from jealous girls.
"Hey Rich."
"Hey hotstuff. These are my side hoes, Stanthony, Billiam, Edwardo, Mikey Man, Benito, and Molly Ringwald. Welcome to the Losers Club."
"Beep beep dipshit. My name is actually Eddie. It's nice to meet you. And I am not your hoe!" Says a boy with a fanny pack
"Billy! Hey." (Y/n) smiles
"D-did you get a-settled i-in alr-right?" Bill asks kindly
"I did, thank you. Oh, and hi Stan." (Y/n) says
"Hey, I hope you got all your classes down ok. That's Mike, that's Ben, and then this is Beverley." Says Stan.
"Richie says I look like Moly Ringwald." Jokes Bev, (Y/n) gigglesEveryone sets into the flow of (Y/n) being there. Mutually, it feels as if she was there the whole time, as if she belongs. (Y/n) feels a tap on her shoulder, "How are you settling?" Asks Jen, who hugs the girl. "I'm doing good. I even made some new friends." She points. "Oh! Hi Rich! Hey Stan, Bill, Mike." Jen waves, they all say hi back. "You know them?" The (h/c) asks, genuinely confused, seeing as she thought they weren't well known. "Of course! Richie and Stan are two of our best baseball players." Richie smiles and winks, "And then Bill is a huge part of Yearbook, he's also on the football team." Bill nods, "Mike is in student council. Ben here writes the school news paper." Ben and Mike both nod, "Bev is our head of Girls Soccer, Eddie is on the track team." Jen states matter-of-factly. (Y/n)s mouth hangs agape. "Damn." Is all she says. They all laugh, but get quiet as the bell rings, signifying that lunch is over now.
After school, (Y/n) begins her walk home until Bill joins her. Then she walks home with Bill, and they carry a small conversation.
"Y-you should c-c-come to the Quarry on W-Wednesday."
"What's the quarry?"
"Y-you'll see."
"Sure, I'll go! What do I wear?"
"P-pack for s-swimming."
"Thanks Billy!""So how was your first day?" (Y/m/n) asks, sitting beside a beautiful woman who had dark curly hair and pretty brown eyes. "It was great! I made so many new friends. Jen, Bill, Mike, Stan, Ben, Bev Richie, and Eddie." (Y/n) beamed. "I made a new friend too. Meet Maggie Tozier."
"You're Richies mom?" (Y/n) asks
"Yes. I hope he hasn't said anything inappropriate." Maggie chuckles
"No, ma'am. He's been very friendly."(Y/n) heads to bed and sleeps well that night. She was just happy to have friends.
Hi! It's me, the author here for the first A/N! So how do you guys feel about the length of the chapters so far? This chapter was 1,360 word which is pretty lengthy, considering that the first chapter was 987 words. Any suggestions? I'd love to hear your feedback!

He's A Go Getter // R.T and S.U x Reader
FanfictionIn which (Y/n) (L/n) moves to Derry and her whole life unravels only to make more sense than ever. Problem: she can't seem to figure out what her heart wants when she falls for two boys that are total opposites. Modern au chubby reader x Stanley Ur...