"Patching You Up"

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     Richie Trashmouth Tozier had a habit of saying things that would get him in trouble. This, of course, was no surprise to anyone in the Losers club who knew that he was constantly getting hit by different people.

    At first, the entire club was willing to take him in. However, as the fights became more and more frequent, the willingness of the Losers depleted. This left Bev and Eddie, who both had very strict parents.

     (Y/n) had been "living" at Stan's for a whole of 3 days now, which isn't a lot to most people. They've settled into a routine where Stan wakes up about 15 minutes before (Y/n) does and gets the mail. When (Y/n) wakes up, she makes the both of them tea and they read the news for a few before one of them decides to make breakfast.

      They then go about their day, going to school, coming home, and then they tidy up the house, and go to bed around 10. At school (Y/n) avoids Caiden a little bit. She's usually walking with Stan or in the library with Ben, leaving no time for Caiden.

     After school, while (Y/n) we're doing the last homework they'd have to work on before Christmas break, (Y/n)s phone started ringing. It just so happened to be Richie, saying he needed her to come to his house as soon as possible.

    And that brings us to now: as (Y/n) sits on Richies bed.

"Who did this?" The (h/c) headed girl asks, holding Richies face.
"Henry." He replies.
"I hit him first."
(Y/n) apples a little more pressure to the rag and Richie winces.
"Sorry, Rich. Why would you hit him though?"
"He was talking shit about you."
"You know I don't care. Don't get hurt over it."
Richie smiled like an idiot at the blurry outline of (Y/n) that he had difficulty making out due to his lack of glasses.

    (Y/n) smiled back, ruffling his hair, "Does Jen know? I'm sure she's worried."
"Jen and I broke up."
"Why? What happened?"
"I realized you were right. She doesn't like me, she likes the image of me that she built in her head."
"I'm so sorry, Rich."

    And then, he cried. It was so heartbreaking to see someone who's usually so happy cry like that. So, (Y/n) pulled his head to her chest and held him close to her. He hugged her, "I'm sorry I got into it with Henry, he said you were a slut and I lost it."
"Hey, shhh, it's ok Rich. Close your eyes ok?"
She stroked his hair and felt him stop moving after about 10 minutes.

      "Hey, Stan, I won't be back tonight, Richie's really upset." She said, "Mhm, yeah." "Alright then, goodnight." That was all anyone else could hear anyways.

    Poor boys face didn't even begin to look any better, despite the girls efforts. He simply slept on her stomach that she used to be so insecure about. Richie woke up for about a minute, looking around before he laid on her again, dragged her hand to his hair, and mumbled something before falling back asleep.

     It was probably two more hours before the pale, lanky boy woke up for good. Not that (Y/n) was going to pull out her phone and check. She'd fallen asleep too, so Richie very carefully snuggled up to her and pulled a blanket over them, going back to sleep.

    They woke up to Maggie Tozier fan girling and  taking pictures of the two who were all cuddled up together. (Y/n) turned bright red while Richie grumbled about disrespect.

    The two spent the rest of the night building pillow forts, watching movies, having lightsaber battles and dancing around.

   While he watched the (h/c) headed girl re-enact a play by herself, laughing so hard that she doubled over, he could've sworn that he was hypnotized. He'd never seen (Y/n) in this light but now he was starting to. Richie was perplexed now because he thought he only liked her as a friend up until now.

    Sure, he'd always seen her as pretty, but maybe it was in the way that she made him feel safe and put at ease. He genuinely wanted to be vulnerable around her, which was new.

   But, as fate would have it, he was late to it and she was with Caiden.

   For the rest of the night, he looked at her as if she created the universe single- handedly. Maggie seemed to take notice.

   When (Y/n) went home (to Stan's) the next day, Maggie looked to her son and smiled.
"You adore that girl, huh?"
He chuckled and replied, "You have no idea."

    Back at Stan's, (Y/n) decided that she was kind of done with Caiden. All he ever did was make her uncomfortable and hang around other girls.

   She and Stan went through their last day before Christmas break with the Losers. "So, I got all of you gifts. And before you say no, don't." (Y/n) smiles.

    Usually, she wouldn't go this big but since her dad had a lot of money and felt bad for not being able to make it for Christmas, she decided it would be a good Christmas nonetheless. All of the losers opened their bags and found plane tickets to Florida.

   "Wanna go on a vacation?" She asked with a big smile. Everyone shrieked and they were all smiles. Their shared home room teacher told them to quiet down and they exchanged a glance.

   This was gonna be fun.


I cannot believe that it's been a whole year since Corona started. I feel kinda old now..? Quarantine really changed everyone, I think, and I had a rollercoaster of a year this year.

Anywho, I hope you guys have an AMAZING holiday season!! Lots of love!

Word count: 994 (Ik it's kinda short)

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