Afterwards: Stay Hopeful and Kind

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    After I wrote this memoir, I heard Tim McGraw's song, "Humble and Kind." I heard the words of the chorus as, "always stay hopeful and kind" and thought this is exactly the message I wanted to pass on so I googled the lyrics. I especially liked the verse, "Visit grandpa every chance that you can, it won't be wasted time, and always stay humble and kind." I was disappointed to find out he was singing "humble" rather than "hopeful" as humility is not in our genes. This genetic shortcoming probably explains the origin of our surname. Still the rest of the song is full of good advice and I will always hear it as "always stay hopeful and kind."

I wrote this memoir during the last week of October 2020 for my grandkids' second birthday. I call them the E Pluribus Duo because they are the two from the many people who contributed to their birth. You see, my son and his wife were unable to have children and even using in vitro fertilization his wife was unable to carry to term; so, my daughter volunteered to carry their fertilized embryos. Two embryos were implanted to ensure success and both took. Liz had a very difficult pregnancy. She was hospitalized at 24 weeks and delivered at 33 weeks. So, you can understand how lucky I feel to have two perfectly healthy two-year-old grandchildren now. It pays to be hopeful and kind.

Finally, I want to sincerely thank my Wattpad friends who read through the original draft of this memoir and left so many helpful and encouraging comments. Most of them are extremely talented writers so I am listing them here along with some of my other favorite writers to make it easier for you to check out their work.

This is the list of the Wattpad friends whose opinions I really appreciate and respect. See the paragraph above for an explanation: 


























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May you all stay hopeful and kind.  

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