Chapter 9 Out from Under the Bootheel Part 1 A Unique Strip Tease

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My time in the Marines marked the end of my time under the bootheel of Missouri. Serving with the reserve unit in Memphis was the last time I would live at home. I will use this chapter to quickly summarize what happened after that.  

I enjoyed my active duty training time in the Navy so much, I thought I wanted to stay in, but maybe as an officer (a downgrade in status for an upgrade in pay?). Reenlisting in the Air Force to become a navigator, I was able to get out of my navy enlistment commitment in exchange for a six-year Air Force commitment. I was considering becoming a pilot, but all the pilot billets were filled. The recruiter got me to sign up by convincing me that the navigator was basically a pilot who sat in the backseat.

I graduated OTS (Officer Training School) in San Antonio Texas where I made a popular impression by incorporating centerfolds from playboy magazines into my briefing charts. My key points were hidden along with the centerfold's key features beneath flaps on my charts that I would remove as my briefing unfolded. It was basically a strip tease. "What better way to keep everyone's attention," I explained to my squadron commander. He couldn't disagree. He knew I was right. He did inform me that my attitude really wasn't career military material. I couldn't disagree. I knew he was right. He did explain that despite my lack of suitability for military life, he would let me graduate anyway since I did so well on all my academic and physical requirements, but he again assured me the military was not where I belonged. I really respected his frankness.  

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