Painful I Love You's

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After we ate i couldn't drive so i HAD to let him drive this time . I told him if he could stop at a record store on the way back to his house .

" you need to stay here , ill be right back " i said getting out and running inside without letting him say another word. 

I ran inside and looked at new releases . there was the album i had been waiting for in the course of eight weeks . After watching how the songs were made i had to get it . And of course it was Sonic Highways  by the Foo Fighters . I grabbed a disc and a vinyl and while i waited in the line to pay i thought of other i needed . i drifted off to thinking of my hobbies and i needed and acoustic guitar and an electric guitar, along with some paper , pencils and some books. Just because i didnt like school doesnt mean im not educated . I actually love reading a lot but not as much as i love music. I felt a tap on my shoulder and i jumped dropping the disc i had in one hand. 

" what the fuck ?" i said harshly when i noticed it was austin .

"why would you do that ???" i said slightly higher then a normal inside voice.

" i wanted to surprise you " he laughed. 

"well please dont " i smiled as i picked up the disc. 

We walked to the cash register after I searched for some books and some clean music sheets.Austin sweetly helped me carry these things to the cash register.Maybe it was the alcohol in my system or i kept seeing little smiles from austin directed my way.after i payed for my things ausin put them in the backseat of my beautiful black beauty.

~few days later ~

I've been healing really well. Right now Austin is helping me clean the wounds to make sure the wounds don't get infected.

"IM SO FUCKING DONE WITH YOU CARLILE!'i yelled as he dabbed the wounds with alcohol.

"I'm so sorry "he said with real apologetic notes to his voice.

A few angry tears escaped my eyes. i wiped them away . Then i realized that no one had known where i was the lat week . To be honest this is how i spend most of my time . not face down on a bathroom floor getting wounds cleaned but people don really care where i am the last time i spoke to my parents was about three weeks ago when i visited them . But for the lat week i have only spoken to austin and fans on social media. Its only bothering me now i noticed. never cared for it before. Once austin finished he helped me get my shirt on and he helped me lay down on the bed that was closest. i was in so much that i didn't care whos bed it was as long as i was not in agony.

"goodnight Belle , i lo...." austin said . i didnt hear the last part because i fell into a deep comforting sleep.

Im sorry i havent updated i hope you enjoyed this chapter please vote i appretiate it a lot . It really does make my day.

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