Power Couple

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For the last few days I've been staying at Austin's house. I haven't been drinking which is pretty weird for me because if I go three days without drinking I become a complete bitch. The doctor says my wounds are healing miraculously well for someone in my condition. not that I'm sick or anything I just have weak kidneys it's just something I have to live with.
I sat in front of my mirror doing my make up and getting ready to out with some of the Ptv guys. I heard the doorknob jiggle and I yelled " come in" I heard the door open and I heard Austin's voice "are you going anywhere?"

"Yeah actually I'm going with some of the PTV guys to the bar "I said .

I then stand my outfit , a Crimson jumpsuit with shorts instead of pants I also wore some black suede heels.

"Do you like it ? " I asked as I did a slow turn .

"Looks great belle " he smiled .

"You probably have other stuff to do , but would you like to come with me ? Since you know the Ptv guys are going with their girlfriends and I don't wanna be the only single one ya know ? " I asked shyly .

"Yeah sure id love to come . let me just go get another outfit real quick okay ? " He said running out the door . I chuckled .

I fished getting ready and i made my way downstairs. i grabbed a boo from Austins bookshelf (that he so kindly let me fill with my immense collection of autobiographies & novels ). And i started reading . BY the time i had finished the first chapter Austin was coming down the stairs. i marked my page and stood up . i placed the book on the coffee table and grabbed my keys which were right beside it. I turned towards Austin and i cant deny that he looked incredibly handsome in his leather jacket, tshirt, and boots , hair styled upwards .

"ummmm, are you ready?" i asked shyl looking down at the floor and walked towards the door .

"yeah " he said hurrying behind me and closing the door behind us .

Once we both jumped in i started the car and put on some music.

Do You Wanna by the Kooks came on

An i was hopin

That you had an atlas in your head

So fed up of

The same old man

Theres broken bedrooms and there are broken hands

you were so fed up of the same old broken man

An do you wanna

Do you wanna

do you wanna make love to me

i know you wanna

i know you wanna

i know you wanna make love to me

Oh i came to tell you

that Youre my favorite girl

an would you like it if i put you into my world

theres broken hearts in basements

and broken love on the streets

you were so fed up of it all always involving me

But do you wanna -

i quickly changed the song and kept driving hoping Austin wouldn't notice. i heard Austin chuckle beside me . i did a mental face palm.we reached the bar and i turned off the car and made sure i had my phone in my jumpsuit pocket long with some money to pay for my drinks and food.
i heard my door open and there was Austin with his hand waiting for mine like a true gentleman.
i smiled and reached for his hand . he helped me get out ad then he stood waiting for me to wrap my arm his bent arm like you see couples do i really old movies. i got little butterflies in my stomach.we went inside and i saw the ptv guys . Tony with his girlfriend , so was mike and vic i then looked and Jaime had an unfamiliar girl sitting beside him . i guess he had a new girlfriend.we walked towards the group and before we had even reached the table Jaime gave me eye daggers when he saw i was holding Austins arm.

"hey guys !' i said to everyone once we reached the table.

"belle ! i didn't know you were bringing Austin along but whatever the more the merryer " vic said pleasantly Austin pulled a chair for me while he said hey to the guys at the table. i smiled at him and he smiled back . he pulled the chair beside me and sat.

i could feel Jaime's eyes on Austin the entire time but Austin didn't seem to. i was glad he didn't notice . i talked to the guys about tour and some new music.all in all the food was great. We started doing shots and then more shots and i could fell myself become more and more buzzed . i drank more and more and more .

the next morning ~

i woke up in a plush warm bed and to the smell of bacon and eggs. i lifted my head off my pillow but then i felt a horrible headache coming on. i looked on the beside table trying to open the first drawer until i noticed a glass of orange juice on the top then i saw two pills beside the glass. i took the pills and drank from the glass surprisingly it wasn't orange juice but mango. i layed in the somehow familiar bed and tried to remember what happened last night.

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