Lamp Tattoos and Such

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We sat and ate talking about our favorite bands. We had a few in common.

"So what was the first band you really got into ?" i asked. 

"Slipknot . I was obsessed , i think i still am a bit but they are still at the top of my list . What about you?"he told me. 

" well i was absolutely obssesed with 80's punk rock . Naked Raygun , and Dead Kennedys including the sex pistols are and always will  be at the top of my list . " i said taking a gulp of my beer shortly afterward.

"thats cool ! Where you good at school?" he asked cutting his steak.

"um not really i guess most of the time i was but 10th grade was when i started really slacking off. I only showed up once a week and stuff like that, im lucky i graduated "i told him as i messed around with the food on my plate. 

"did your parents fucking freak out when progress reports came in ?" he asked . i feel like im being interviewed.

"i think they always kind of knew that i wasnt really gonna need school for my career . i think they just knew i was going to be alright " i already had a question i was going to ask him . 

"i guess you turned out fine without chemistry " he laughed . 

"yeah, so tell me about your tattoos . which was the first ?"i asked and i do know its just i want to hear it from the man himself .

"well i got this star when i was seventeen "he said pointing to his inner arm .

"what about you ?" he continued .

"well when i was 15 i got a star on my ankle and i said i would cover it with a tattoo of something that means a lot to me but i havent really found anything besides music ."i responded .

"thats pretty cool. i wanted to cover up the star but then i decided i had to live with it "he laughed .

"i actually got this really bad tattoo and i need to cover it as soon as posible ."i said and i showed him a lamp got on my wrist 6 days ago . it was literally a lamp a goddam stupid lamp.He looked at it and started laughing uncontrolably . he almost choked on his beer. 

"what made you get a lamp ?! "he choked through his fit of laughter .

"alcohol"at this point i was the one laughing by now because of the faces he was making.

"thats amazing!"he laughed .

"yeah "i laughed .

he really makes me feel warm inside . 

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