《5》-A Risky Choice-

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Warnin Swearing

You groaned and rubbed the sleep from your eyes wondering why would you keep your phone notifications on at night. You reached for your phone and several discord messages flooded your notifications all from the same person, getting out of bed you adjusted your mic and headset and responded in text.

Y/N: What the heck do you want. 

You snapped, messing up the first time then rewriting it. Your eyes not yet used to your phone's bright glare a few minutes later a text returns and you answered the call.
    “Do you have any flippen clue what time it is?” you shouted hoping you didn't wake your parents up. The person on the call returned no answer giving both you and him time to check a clock which read 2:41 a.m. almost 3:00 in the morning.

Then you recognized that no one would be on the server. This guy wants to speak to you in private.

Narrowing your gaze at his name tag you texted him a simple question the answer returned was a ‘yes’ 

“Join the server then we’ll talk.”

a deep low voice, definitely american replied. 

“Which server?” 

“The one I was exiled from not banned. the Dream SMP server.” obeying you were confused about what this guy was talking about as you logged on, only one  person was active. You read the username over and over in your head trying to make sense of it, nothing came into mind.

“Meet me at the Election Podium or the big hole in the ground cover in... redstone,” (I know this is not necessary true but taking place three year or so into the future i'll bet someone will burn it)
He trailed off obviously confused, you always wondered why no one has patched that creeper hole heck you didn't even know it was once a podium nevertheless the “Election Podium” Sprinting There you met his small minecraft characters wearing a black suit and red tie.

“Why are you here?” You asked sternly, the man chuckled into the mic something changed it almost sounded like his laugh was echoing. You took a small step back, who was this man?

“I found a small opening within the wall. Tell me do you know where we are, where we are standing?” He asked you although you had other things on your mind including  the first thing he said “a small opening within the wall” that could mean many, many things.
    “No.” You answer, his character walked closer to you.

“I think that opening just widened,”

He chuckled. He was talking about you, knowing nothing might come to this antagonist’s advantage.

“This all might be very confusing to you to allow me to explain, this is the podium where they made the official President of L’Manberg this is where my reign began,”

his voice gets louder, you had no clue what he was talking about this wasn't explaining much.  What's L’manberg? You supposed you were a bit behind on the series before your arrival you never heard of L’manberg only Pogtopia.

“I don't understand, what are you talking about?” You asked. Trying to find some sort of scapegoat or some reason to leave.

This guy is insane you didn't know what he was talking about nor where he came from and you didn't want to know, you shouted at him though terror it was your turn to explain that you were the one too make the orders you were the alpha and if you learned something about the Dream SMP is that you can’t show weakness .

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