《4》-People Have Changed-

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I opened the door to my house and rushed up the stairs to my bedroom. Lupin was lying on the floor curled up in a ball of fluff. I let out a deep sigh and fell backward onto my unmade bed. Lupin woke up quickly now standing up, growling like an intruder entered the house.

“Chill out you angry dog,” I said, surprising myself of how tired my voice sounded. Lupin recognized it and whimpered, sharing my pain. He jumped up and put his paws on my bed, the aggressive dog almost looking cute. I smiled, rolled my eyes, and padded the side of the bed.

“Oh fine come on.” I laughed and the dog leaped on my bed laying down on the side of the bed. I placed my hand on his back. Lupin flinched, but then allowed me to stroke his tangled gray fur. Lupin was enjoying this. I never get to pet this dog. He rolls over on his back, tail wagging, and tough hanging out. I laugh. the softness of his fur taking away some of the stress.

Someone started knocking on my door, it opened and someone walked in. Lupin jumped off my bed, he snarled, baring his teeth at the stranger. Sapnap came into my room. Lupin went from an angry dog to a happy dog and jump on Sapnap he gave me a weak smile and patted the top of his head, I sat up on my bed.

“Hey, you're here?” I said confused. Sapnap does not reply, he walks over and sits on the side of my bed.

“Yeah,” he replies.
“Look I’m sorry about what happened. I was just tired, that's all I didn't~” Sapnap put his hand on my knee to stop me. I flinch and looked up.

“It's alright,” he answered smiling at me.

“You left without a goodbye that's not like you Sap so I thought I~” Once again I stopped. I really never made him upset before Sapnap chuckled and Lupin nudged his arm.

“It stung at first, but eventually went away.” He said with a shrug. I give him a sympathetic glance. I won't question him about it, but why was he forgiving me? I said something I shouldn't have and to be honest I meant every word of it yet he's still forgiving me?

“What did you, Antfrost, and George find? I overheard Eret muttering about some band?” Right, the band I have completely forgotten about that! I turn my gaze away from Sapnap.
“Yeah just lying in the forest, sparking like someone tried to break it-” I trail off. breaking it? who on the face of the earth would want to do that?! that band is your inventory, your messages, and your way to exit the server! Sapnap looked down obviously thinking he was as confused as I was. After setting a hand down on Lupin's fur Sapnap jumped up.

“Dream-” He screamed and I narrowed my eyes you were all that excited just to say the word ‘Dream’


“No Dream he has access to all the bands for he is the owner of the server.” At that moment I understood for the first time in forever what Sapnap was saying. But once again he barely cares about the bands yet that could very well be the reason: he or she is going something and didn't want it to be traced.

“My goodness Sapnap your brilliant,” I say and Sap grinned and leaned back against the wall.
“Yep I’m called that a lot,” he replies
“No, Sapnap.”

I snorted and nudged him in the side he laughed. Things were finally getting figured out and my and Sapnap’s relationship was starting to heal. I guess this wasn't a horrible day after all.

“So where is the band now?” He asked and I replied with a sigh.
“We left it there so-” I turned to Lupin who was now dozing in Sapnap’s lap. That was it! Finally gaining my energy.

“We left it there so if we took dogs there we will be able to tracker them without our own scents getting in the way. I can bring Lupin there and we can-” I get so excited I leap off my bed and nearly fall on my face because of how sore my legs were from walking. Sapnap found it amusing and laughed.

“Maybe. But how bout you sleep tonight,” He suggests getting off my bed. I sit back down and lifted off my covers finding a book.

“Wait Sapnap I have been meaning to show you something,” I say and Sapnap turns his head as I take out a large dusty book. He sits back down and reads the cover.

“Where did you get that?” he asked almost like he’s concerned.

“Does it matter I want to read a paragraph to you,” I answer and turned to chapter five.




~” The decoration of war ”~
By GeorgeNotFound

Chapter 5: Dream’s war cry

Tommy, and Wilbur and the rest of L’manchildburg we are at WAR there is no mercy we have BURNT down Tubbo’s house we have planted TNT cannons all over your land we have cobblestone walled the outside and we have shot one warning shot inside your walls as an explosion and we have no mercy, NO MERCY FOR YOU! Do you understand?! We will come and we will BURN down your houses we will KILL everything inside your walls and we will take back the land that is RIGHTFULLY ours if you do not SURRENDER! I want to see white flags, WHITE FLAGS outside your base by TOMORROW at DAWN or you are DEAD 


There was more to the book, but I shut it anyway that was all I wanted Sapnap to see. I looked down at my trembling hands. Dream was never like that- bloodthirsty, and vengeful, at least never in front of me. I turn to face Sapnap who reread the words.

“This book was written by George of the time of the Dream Team SMP vs L’manburg war. When I was reading I came across this- Sapnap did he really say that?” I asked. Surely not surely this was just to make the book interesting, but why would George lie? Sapnap gave me a pitying look and then turned to the window.

“Is this why you don't sleep, you're busy reading those books of events that happened like two years ago?” He asked, getting off my bed.

“No well yes Sapnap please I just need to know!” I begged planning on following him out. Sapnap turned back to me and sighed deeply.

“That was years ago Rebél things have changed you shouldn't be worried about that type of stuff,” 

“But did he say that?” I asked now forcefully. Sapnap avoided my gaze.

“Yes- he did say that.” 

Sorry for my inactivity i just got my braces on and well its making life a bit more difficult XD otherwise thank you for the 2k reads pog!!! And i hope you enjoy this chapter!

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