《2》-The Sound Hunter Part One-

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I quickly reached for my quiver and tossed it around my shoulder and ran out the door, Sapnap at my heels. After all this time at peace, someone finds the confidence to take a stand to do something risky something stupid.

No one was in town, only Punz who was having a conversation with Bad probably about food the food sources are draining by the minute we fear one day we might run out, I’ll have to go on a winter hunting patrol in the fall and doing it in the winter is worse enough.

Dream was waiting for us by the door. I stopped and dipped my head respectively to my leader, Sapnap did the same and Dream opened the door escorting us in. Karl was sitting on a chair, blood-stained bandages covering his arms, obviously trail wounds, another thing that was off he was eating pie, who had the time nor the ingredients to make one of those. Either way, the scent filled the room. and I could taste its sweet flavor. I shake my head to focus on my main conflict.

George was waiting by the door. We can hear the whole conversation from there, it was obvious to tell Ant was not happy.

“Ant please just open your eyes,” Sam asked politely. 

“And what's the point? I'll only see the same thing I see when I'm closing them. It's pointless Sam it's pointless.” Antfrost complained. Through the door, George exchanged a worried glance with me. I only frowned and turned hoping to find Sapnap. Of course, he's missing probably speaking to Karl begging to have a slice of his pie.

“Antfrost I understand you upset but-”

“upset? upset! I have lost everything when I lost sight, everything Sam! and you think I'm upset?” Antfrost started to chuckle madly, that's when Dream pushed open the door leading us in, the room was crowded already with Alyssa working on one of her herb mixtures that created an awful stench, Sam had an empty potion bottle in hand, and Eret was leaning against the wall listing to the arguing. Antfrost’s ears twitched.

“Well glad you could join the party, Dream, George, Rebél, and Sapnap,” He snapped, then it clicked he knew who came in, without turning his head without even seeing he knew exactly who we were by name. I was going to shout that out, but Sapnap beat me to it.

“How did you know who we are?” he asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion. Once again Ant’s ear twitched likes it was affected by the sound.

“Hm, now that you mention it I suppose since my sight is gone my other senses are increasing, and I'm a cat so I have always had better senses than you guys. You all wonder why I never take fall damage.” He chucked normally.

“Ant this is not the time for jokes, that doesn't answer our question. How?” Dream snapped crossing his arms. Dream always makes people speak. It's the harsh tone in his voice telling you if you don't speak up he'll hurt you. Ok, maybe I'm over exaggerating but it's a tone we all know too well.

“Ok, ok, ok chill out Dream. It's obvious that we're in the Med Center because of the awful smell and since we're here Alyssa must be here, the potion I was forced to drink meaning that Sams here, this is a big deal so Erets here, hello Eret by the way. And how I knew who walked in? I recognized the footsteps see Sapnap just stomps everywhere, George and Rebél take longer strides, and Dream is almost completely silent. I can even tell that Karl  is in the lobby eating pie.” Ant explained opening his eyes. His pupils were silvery-white in both eyes.

It was crazy just the sight of it. I can not imagine what he's going through, closing my eyes then opening them and seeing the same thing: darkness.

“Did you see any detail on who the attacker might be?” Dream questioned and Antfrost snorted.

“Well that’s a dumb question ‘did I see anything’” Antfrost laughed.

“Before you went blind.”

“I don't know, that's a better question to ask Purpled.” He insisted. Now sitting up in his chair.

“What about patrolling? You're not going to take me off the patrol are you,” Antfrost asked. Dream wouldn't, would he? Antfrost’s a valuable member of the patrols we need him.

“Ant-” Dream started but never finished.

“Look if I can prove myself to still be useful then will you keep me on the patrol. I don't need my sight. I can hear an enemy from a mile away. I could~ I could be a sound hunter.” He encouraged, receiving a snort out of Sapnap. Both me and George elbowed him in the side. I took a breath and stepped forward.

“Dream if you let him I'll lead the patrol,” I offered, George looked back at me and smiled.

“I'll come to.” it would be Me, Antfrost and George that's the right amount for a patrol normally two or three patrols go out a day and scout around the area, you know for precautionary reasons in case something that just happened happens. 

“Dream he deserves a chance to prove himself, Ant’s correct his new injury has and will change everything for him. He deserves a second chance.” Eret explained. And Ant turned in his direction and smiled.

“Then it's decided.” Dream replied and got up and left the room.

“My apologies, the healing potion didn't work,” Sam adjusted his creeper mask and dipped his head in an apology.

“It's fine Sam don’t worry about it.” Ant replied, returning his gaze to me and George. I watched as Eret whispered something into Alyssa’s ears and they both escaped out the door followed by Sapnap a minute later. I turned my gaze to the three remaining soldiers and nodded my head.

“Well, let’s go.” 

(Authors note: Antfrost is not blind it was just a fill in and it makes Antfrost's chatacter a little more intersting hopefully you understand. Also this chapter was inspired by The Quiet Place a horror movie if you like horror movie i seriously recommend it, its awesome)

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