《3》-The Sound Hunter Part Two-

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It wouldn't be long before the sun starts to fall. It will be a chilly night with the cool autumn winds. I walk out of the med center, the breeze brushes through my long hair. George followed me closely. We both looked out for Ant. We could tell that he was doing his best to locate things with his hands out, ears pricked and nose to the sky tasting the air for scents.

We waited a few minutes for Antfrost to catch up, we couldn't help him even if we wanted to Antfrost was going to have to get through this alone. It will be more difficult to adapt with everyone's help. We left on the wooden trail over the river towards the forest by Erets castle.

Sapnap turned his head to face the three of us then he turned to Dream, his image slowly fading as he walked away into the Community House.

"Hey ah, may I walk with you guys? I know if I follow Dream he'll flood me with a bunch of questions about future patrols and I don't think I can stand that right now." He admitted. None of us answer yet he follows anyway. Me in lead George on my left and Ant and Sapnap trailing behind. This was nothing just following the wooden trail once we hit the forest the real test will begin.

"You know Ant I wouldn't feel that bad half of the time I don't think Dream can see through his mask," Sapnap chuckled. Besides his Antfrost snorted.

"Wow Sapnap," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him. He ran up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I tensed and a sword quickly appeared in my hand, giving Sapnap the clear sense to never touch me again without even telling him too. The diamond sword vanished.

"You can't take a joke, can you Rebél im just to lighten the mood with some humor." He replied. And I turned around again to face him. The Fire in side of me burning.

"Can't take a joke? look around you Sapnap does any of this look like a 'joke' to you? Both Purpled and Antfrost were ambushed for a reason unknown to all of us and here you are trying to 'lighten the mood' nothing is enlightening about this Sapnap open your eyes." I snapped leaving everyone speechless.

He's foolish.



How can you spread the light when you blind to the darkness-



Maybe he isn't blind I can't do what he's doing.



At Least he's trying to block it out.



And for some reason, I envy that.



I sigh and look back at Sapnap his head was held low to the ground. I wanted to apologize, but we both know that I couldn't do it and nor could he. There was no forgiveness in the Dream Team SMP everything happens for a reason and on mistake or not and an apology will not change it. And actions speak louder than words.

The forest is in view as we make our way. Sapnap trails back almost bumping into Ant. he let out a small hiss and walked forward. I turned back to look at them and tapped the side of my leg, a code meaning to have caution. Sapnap gave us a weak smile before turning around and walking back.

"I normally wouldn't say this but- be careful, be cautious, and be safe," I announced they nod. A few minutes in Ant tensed he turned his head to look around. George tapped my shoulder, I paused and turned to Ant.

"Ant are you ok?" George asks, walking up to the cat. He nodded his head and kept walking. Messing with my band I opened my inventory and took out my bow and put it into my quick grabs. We watched closely as the "sound hunter" ventured the area, I looked at George with pity.

"You shouldn't have yelled at Sapnap you don't know what he has been through he's like that for a reason you know," George replied. And I sighed dipping my head down.

"I don't care what's been through, it doesn't affect me and someone had to call him out on it," I answered gritting my teeth as I put an arrow below the nocking point and pulled the string back, and let the arrow fly hitting the bark of a nearby tree getting Antfrost attention as he turned to the direction of where the arrow pierced the tree.

"What was the reasoning for that!" Antfrost growled. I shrugged wrapping my hands around the arrow and pulling it out of the tree and back into my quiver.

"That's not the way to think about it Rebél-"

"George if I worried about everyone else's problems I would be as fucked up like you!"

I shouted. The whole world around me froze. It's funny what responsibility can do to you. Jealousy will drive you mad, power can make people reach limits that never knew could reach, but responsibility knowing that someone is counting on you to get whatever it is done, you won't let anything get in the way, not money not friendship nothing. It makes your stress and anger level rise till you can no longer keep it hidden. George has nothing to worry about, no stress, no anger. I still don't know why I released my anger at him. He looked down sadly.

"George I didn't mean-" I stopped as he pushed past me.

"It's fine, it's always fine, but for the record, I'm not the only one fucked up here." he snapped back. I looked and Antfrost and sighed.

"It's been so hard to keep myself in control. I don't sleep, I barely eat, I've been so stressed I don't know how much more I can handle. I didn't mean what I said to George. I just feel like all this responsibility that Dream has given me is tearing me apart," I explained and Ant does not follow my voice.

"I'm not the one to go to advice I can't relate I have never been a captain before so I don't know much, but if you truly want my advice I say ask Dream or Eret if you can have a one, two days break sleep through the first break then apologize to George the next and if you need to talk with someone I guess I can spare some time," Antfrost promised, I dipped my head respectfully and he smiled back. Moments of silence have passed. Ant was shaking, he was nervous as the trees grew thicker.

"Tree there I knew that," Ant chucked, stopping then searching the air for any other sense of trees and listening for our steps. This was challenging for him, but he was doing an excellent job a few more times out here in the forest. He will master this place.

"Hey guys?" George said from a distance, standing over something. Me and Ant caught up. Ant was a little more hesitant. Through his clout glasses, George gave us a worried look. Lying on the ground was a sparking band.



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