"The DreamTeam"

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      You sat down at your desk and started your computer. You decided to stream today since you had nothing better to do. You got everything set up and started the stream.
"Hey guys!" You said as you started the stream. The chat filled with heys and hellos. You opened Minecraft and went to play bedwars.
      You hit someone off the map and ran back over to your base to get blocks to cover your team's bed. You quickly placed all the blocks and looked up to see the last team, red coming towards your base. You quickly got out your sword and started to hit the other team. Your team eventually had everyone under control. Your team fought well and won! You sighed in relief and reached for your water to take a drink. You heard to robotic voice and looked over at the donation. "Hey! Wanna play bed wars?" You stared at the donation before responding. "Sure, simp."
       You had been playing with Sapnap for awhile now. You look at the clock and read the time "7:45pm..." you mumbled. "What was that?" Sapnap asked as he hit someone off the map. You turned back to your computer and continued to place blocks around your bed. "Nothing! Just checking the time!" You giggled as you watched Sapnap chase a player.
     You just finished the match, and the green team won, the team Sapnap and you were on got in second. "I'm gonna end my stream now!" I said smiling and waving goodbye at my camera. "Bye guys!!" Sapnap shouted as I went to end my stream. I ended the stream and giggled at Sapnap. "Hey, Y/N!" Sapnap said in a rather cheerful voice. "Hm?" I said opening Twitter. Sapnap sighed at my response but carried on, "Well my friends were wondering if you wanted to join our discord server? I think you'll like them!" Sapnap said cheerfully. I giggled slightly. "Sure!" I replied a bit more louder than I had intended. Sapnap giggled and invited me into the discord server. He left and joined the server. I joined and the first thing I heard was, "GEORGE! STOP!". I jumped at the scream. Sapnap started laughing and I started laughing too. The two other boys went quiet. "Sapnap...who's that?" Said someone with a accent. "Uhh- Hi! I'm Y/N! Sapnap invited me into this server!" I said shyly. "Ohhh! Nice to meet you! Sapnap was texting us about you!" Said a different voice . I giggled at the sudden announcement.
(Why we giggling so much-?)
       The team had introduced themselves. The person who screamed whenever I first joined was Dream. I had heard of him before, since he was pretty popular. The person with the accent was George. I quietly listened to their introductions. "So Y/N, do you wanna join my smp?" Dream asked. I thought about it for a second, I had just met these guys. "Sure..." I responded hesitantly. Dream sighed in relief and added me into the server. I quickly got onto the server. Dream and George were already on the server, and came to find me. Dream and George took me to their house. They gave me some basic tools and food. "Ok I'm on!" Sapnap said as I killed a cow.
    I had built a little hut in the side of a mountain, and looked at the time. "Hey guys I'm gonna go to bed now, it's 1:am for me right now.." I said getting off of the server. "No way! It's 1:am for me too!" Sapnap said giggling. "I live in Houston, Texas!" said Sapnap. I stared at my screen in shock. "Me too!" I said giggling in joy. "Okay Y/N, goodnight!" George said. "Bye!" Dream and Sapnap said in sync. "Bye!" I said yawning.
      After getting changed into pajamas I laid down in bed. I opened Twitter and saw that I got 3 new followers, dreamwastaken, Sapnap, and GeorgeNotFound. I giggled and followed them back. I immediately got a text from Sapnap.

          Hey :)

Sapnap and I talked for an hour before I felt as if I was going to fall asleep again.

  Can I have your number? Just in case you wanna collab?

                        Sure, simp🙄🤚It's (xxx,xxx,xxxx)

     I immediately got a text from a random number, I saved the number as "Sapnap ✨"


Hey :)


Ft? I'm bored :(

                                        Omg simp- sure lol.


       Accept                                              Decline

    I saw Sapnap's face and automatically blushed, luckily my room was dark so he couldn't see. "Hey!" He said as a wide smile appeared on his face. "Hey!" I said, smiling brightly.
      Sapnap and I had been talking for 15 minutes when I felt myself start to doze off. Sapnap immediately noticed this. "Goodnight, Y/N." Sapnap said laying his head down on his pillow. "Good...night" I said,
falling asleep.

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