It's offical!

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        Nick and I got out and walked around. We talked about some stuff before we came to a bench. We sat down and looked over the river. We watched the sunset, by then most people had already left so it was just us. After it set Nick grabbed my hands and held them. He turned to me with a serious face. "Y/N I..." he looked down awkwardly. I looked at him in confusion, not sure what was happening. "I really like you.." he said looking back up at me. My face lit up and I hugged Sapnap in joy. "Y/N?" He said hugging me back. "I was so worried...that you didn't like me back" I smiled into Nick's chest. Nick pulled back and looked at me. "Wait- YOU LIKE ME BACK?!" He shouted. "Shhh- yes Nick" I said looking around to see if anyone was around. "Then, will you be my girlfriend?" (GOD THATS SO CRINGY SORRY) Nick said placing his hand on my cheek. "Duh" I said rolling my eyes. My eyes widened as I felt Nick's lips on mine. I slowly closed my eyes. Nick pulled away and smiled at me. "Wanna go home?" He said looking at me. "Which one?" I asked laughing. "Whichever one you want!" He said laughing along with me. "Your place then!" I said standing up. Nick took my hand and we walked back to the car. We both got in and I looked over at Nick and smiled. He smiled back and started the car.
         Once we arrived at Nick's we changed into some comfortable clothes and FaceTimed Dream. "Heyyy!" Dream said holding his phone up. He was laying in bed, with his LED lights in green, like always. As we explained what happened in the park, he hummed the song "Why'd you only ever call me when you're high"  by Arctic Monkeys. I smiled at the song. "That's so pog! Congrats!" Dream said smiling. Nick and I looked at each over then back at Dream. It was about 12:00 for Dream. "Go to bed luv, text me when you wake up!" I said taking my phone from Nick. "Okay!! Bye guys!" Dream said calmly. Dream hasn't been getting a lot of sleep lately, so I thought I'd push him to try to get some rest.
         I yawned and looked over at Sapnap. He was about to fall asleep. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest. "Goodnight Y/N.." Nick said falling asleep. "Night." I said calmly.

HEY GUYS!! Sorry this was super short- I don't know if I will be posting to often, maybe a couple times a week! I've been super busy lately and I haven't found time to write! Hope you can understand!

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