Hanging Out

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      "Sapnap?!" I said in shock looking up at Sapnap. "Oh- Hey Y/N.." Sapnap said in shock partly because he saw me in his local Starbucks, but also because I just screamed at his face. "Sapnap..how-" I said stuttering in shock. "Nick...call me Nick in public please..." Sapnap said looking around to see if anyone heard them. "O-okay, what can I get you?" I said looking up a Nick. "A iced pumpkin spice latte please." He said getting out his wallet. "PFT-" I said covering my mouth. "W-what?!" Nick said angrily. "Basic-" I said putting in his order. He swiped his credit card then sighed. I turned around to make his drink. He smiled and walked over to the counter that you pick up the drinks at. I finished making his drink and gave it to him. I heard a ding from my phone, my shift was over!! "When's your shift over" Nick said looking at me. "Uh- right now" I said checking my watch. I ran into the back room and changed into normal clothes. I walked out and put on my normal colored mask. "I didn't know you worked so close to me, do you live around here?" Sapnap said sitting down on one of the outside tables. I pulled out a chair and sat down. "Yeah, I live like 2 minutes away." I said looking up at Nick. He blushed furiously, looking away from me to the busy street. I giggled and pulled out my phone, taking a picture of him and saving it. "Hey, wanna hang out some time?" Nick said pulling out his phone. "Of course! I'm free anytime!" I said smiling under my mask. Nick smiled at me before he heard buzzing from his phone. We both looked down at the caller

                               Dream 💀✨

              Accept.                        Decline

"SAPNAP WHERE ARE YOU-" Dream screamed into the phone. "Starbucks, why?" Sapnap said looking at him with confusion. "Y/N JUST SENT A PICTURE OF YOU BLUSHING DRINKING A ICED PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!" Dream screamed even louder. Sapnap looked up at my smiling. "Yeah, we live near each other, so I ran into her at Starbucks." Sapnap said giggling at Dream. "I DON'T CARE- WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DRINKING A ICED PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE?! YOU BASIC BITCH-" Dream yelled, hanging up. Nick and I bursted into laughter.
     Sapnap and I talked for about an hour before we decided to walk around and shop. Around 5:30, (Y/N's shift is 12:00-4:00) it started to get cold. I shivered as we walked out of a shop. Nick noticed and took off his hoodie. Sapnap had a longsleeved striped shirt on, I don't know how he survived in that in the Texas sun. He handed me his hoodie and I quickly slipped it on. "Thanks!" I said blushing slightly. I turned away so he wouldn't see and saw a cute shop. "Let's go in there!" I pointed. Nick nodded following me into the store. I immediately saw these two matching Minecraft sword bracelets. They were diamond swords with blue beads. I picked them up and turned to Sapnap. He chuckled before nodding. I grabbed his hand and rushed over the check out line. I gave the cashier the bracelets, she rang them up. "That'll be $4.00." She said looking up at me, smiling. Sapnap handed me two dollars and I got out two from my purse. I handed her the money and she gave me the bracelets. I let go of Sapnap's hand and walked out of the store. I teared the cardboard thing that held the bracelets off and gave Sapnap a bracelet. He put it on and smiled. I smiled and put mine on. "I'm gonna take a picture!" I said pulling out my phone. Sapnap reached his arm out and put his hand in a fist. I reached mine out and did the same. I took a picture and sent it to the Snapchat groupchat. I looked up at Nick and smiled. We walked back to Starbucks and took a couple pictures together. "I had fun Y/N! Wanna play when we get home?" Sapnap said smiling. I nodded and walked to my car. When I pulled up to my apartment I realized I forgot to give Sapnap his hoodie back. I pulled out my phone.

      Sapitis Napitus✨🧡

Hey! Sorry I forgot to give you your hoodie back!

It's fine!

  I smiled and stepped out of my car. I walked into my apartment and closed the door behind me. I went into my room and went onto discord, I joined the call to hear Dream barking. "Oh hey Y/N!" George said, getting Dream to shut up. "Hey Y/N! How was your date with Sapanp?" Dream said confidently. "I wouldn't call it a date, but I had fun!" I said getting on bedwars. "We playing bedwars?" Sapnap asked. "Yeppo!" I said smiling to myself.
       Sapnap and I had been playing bedwars while George and Dream talked. I looked at the time and sighed, I needed to get some sleep. "I'm gonna try to get some sleep tonight guys, talk to you tomorrow?" I said happily. "Yep!" George cheered. "Okay! Sleep well!" Dream said giggling. "Okay! Text me Y/N!" Sapnap said smiling. "Y/N before you go, was that Nick's hoodie?" George said smiling. "Oh- uh yeah." I said leaving the call. I turned off my computer and laid down in bed. I opened my phone and texted Sapnap off of Snapchat.

        (POV: Sapanp)
    Y/N texted me, and we talked for about 5 minutes before she called me.

                                 Y/N 🥺💕

                 Accept.                       Decline
I accepted and looked at her camera. Y/N was laying in bed with my hoodie on. Her LED lights were on red, which is the color she put them on to sleep. "Going to bed?" I said smiling. "Yeah..." She said, smiling back. Y/N was so cute. She closed her eyes and I could tell she was starting to fall asleep. "Goodnight Y/N." I said shutting my eyes. "Goodnight Nick."

"𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕡" (Sapnap x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now