new girl. [ 1 ]

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y/n pov * ◌༉‧

i was walking with my father, remus lupin he is the new professor for defense against the dark arts.

"okay you have to wait here okay, don't be nervous. your okay." my father says, i nod as he quickly pecks my forehead before leaving.

i wait for a few minutes until a lady with a witch hat came.

"y/n lupin?" she says, i nod.

"welcome to hogwarts." she smiles, i smile back.

"i'm professor mcgonagall." she takes her hand out, i shake it.

"come with me" she tells me, i walk with her as these big doors open. i walked in i already see students eyeing me.

"welcome y/n lupin." a guy with long beard says.

i smile waving as other people smile.

"welcome! please sit on this stool so you can get sorted in your house" professor mcgonagall tells me, i nod sitting on the stool.

"hmmm I see..very well, slytherin!" The hat talks. my eyes winded, the slytherin table erupts with cheers as other claps.

i sat next a platinum blonde hair boy

"hello! draco malfoy." he introduces himself

"y/n lupin" i said.

we talked as time skips then it was time to go to our dormitory.

"what do we do?" i ask draco

"here i will lead you to our common room." he replies, i nodded following him to common room.

he says the password leading us into a big huge room.

"wow." i said

"the girls dorm is to the right and boys are the left." he tells me

"thank you." i smiled at him as he smiles back at me.

"no problem, just come down here if you need me i do sit on the couch a lot so you will see me sitting here often." he told me, i nod waving at him going up to the dorm as i made my way to my dorm i bumped into a girl with long ombré green hair.

"i'm so sorry!" she says.

"no i am!" i said back.

"y/n lupin?" she asks, i nodded in response.

"nice to meet you, i'm stella." she introduces herself

"nice to meet you." i said

"i guess you share a room with me, it's annoying having to share a room with a boy." she says, i laugh as she takes me into the room.

"there's your robe and uniform" she shows me "and some clothes" she says as i smiled at her.

"thank you" i said.

she nods leaving the dorm, i look at the robe lifting it up tracing my fingers around the badge i put my stuff on the chair then i started to unpack my bags then a boy with dirty blonde hair came in.

"y/n lupin?" he asks, i nod

"nathan, nathan smith" he pulls out his hand i shake it.

"nice to meet you." i said

"it's nice having another member in this dorm, clearly all the boys dorms is full so i had to share it with a girl." he says, i laugh softly.

"i'm gladly to show you the place around tomorrow if you want?" he asks

"yes please." i smile

"perfect if i were you go get some sleep." he told me getting on his bed covering himself with the blanket.

"i will." i said as he smiles drifted off to sleep, i put my luggage underneath the bed.

i organized everything before getting into bed.

"i've seen you already met nathan." stella walks in closing the door behind her

"yeah! he's sounds nice." i said.

"when you get to know him better, he's a bit annoying." she explains, i laugh.

"well it's getting late we should head to bed." she says.

"yup." i said.

"it's okay to change in front i'm not a freak besides nathan is a heavy sleeper." she says, i nod changing into shorts before getting into. stella turns off the lights getting into her bed

"night." she says

"night." i replied back then i laid on my pillow,
i hope tomorrow goes well.

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