𝗰𝗮𝗽𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 [ 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 ]

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house - Gryffindor
year - Sixth year
blood - muggle-born
[ imagine request for JulzLovDraco4Eva ]

( Julia )

Walking down the hallway with my best friends Harry,Ron, and Hermione laughing at Ron jokes, I've been best friends with them since first year and we all four have the craziest adventures throughout the years. I've got made fun of because I was a muggle-born, I would get made fun of by Draco Malfoy and his Other friends

But in my heart I feel deep down Draco is really nice and sweet but looks like he doesn't want to show his feelings.

Unfortunately, I did catch feelings for him because there something about him..

Walking down to The Great Hall I stand by Harry until I felt someone pushed my shoulder.

"Watch it, You filthy little mudblood." I heard Draco voice, I sigh as Hermione pulls me away from him letting him walk away.

"I don't get how you like him." Ron says while sitting down

"Leave her alone, It's her feelings" Hermione tells Ron as I smile, She pulls me into a side hug.

"Come on, It's about to be midnight let's go?" Hermione asks us, we all nod at the same time.

We all got up from Table leaving The Great Hall with everyone else.

Walking up the stairs as we walked in the Common Room with everyone.

I went up the girls dormitory with Hermione.

"Hey, do you really like Malfoy?" She asks closing the door slowly.

"Yes, but he hates me. Just because I'm a muggle." I replied sitting down on my bed.

"It's okay, I really ship y'all." She tells me smiling, I threw a pillow at her as she throws it back at me.

We both laugh before getting ready to sleep.

As I lay on my bed ready to fall asleep I heard shuffling..

"Hermione" I whisper/yell, she was still asleep.

I throw a pillow at her face as she quickly sits up.

"What is it?!" she says, I shush her hearing steps, She quickly gets out her wand as I also get my wand.

we point out wands until the doors breaks open, showing..bellatrix..

"Bellatrix!?" I say

"Hello.." she cackles before throwing a spell at both us then everything went black.


Waking up I sit up seeing black walls and a chandelier..

It's the Malfoy Manor.

I see Lucius,Narcissa, Draco, and Bellatrix.

"Well well well, look so finally woke up..Julia Patterson" Bellatrix laughs, I looked around not seeing Harry,Ron, and Hermione.

"Where are they?" I ask

"In the cell" Lucius says smirking.

"W-what do you want" I stuttered.

"Do you like Draco?" Bellatrix asks, I didn't say anything..

She grabs me by the jaw.

"I SAID DO YOU LIKE HIM!" She yells, I repeatedly nodded my head.

"Yes" I said as a tear fell down my face.

"Very well, Draco likes you also, He needs to focus on being a death eater, Draco take her to the room" Bellatrix says throwing me to him, He quickly catches me then grabbing me by the arm.

When we got to the hallway he quickly grabs my hand holding it taking me to the room..

"I'm so sorry.." He says as tears fell down his cheek, I wipe his tears with my sleeve.

"It's okay.." I said then the door opens, Narcissa grabs Draco. Bellatrix comes in laughing pushing me down on the floor.

She pulls my sleeve up then I felt a sharp pain on my arm.

I scream in pain as she continues..

Lucius comes in smirking.

I stopped screaming as she quickly gets up laughing.

"filthy little mudblood" Bellatrix says to me before kicking me in the hip, I groan in pain looking at my arm.


A tear falls down my face before I look up seeing Narcissa.

She helps me up.

"I'm so sorry sweetie, Draco is crying because he heard your scream. I'm gonna help y'all escape, Please don't tell" she explains, I nodded repeatedly.

She helps me up before running.

"I let the others go outside, Draco is waiting with them also. let's go" she tells me, I nodded.

We were outside as I saw Hermione,Harry,Ron and Draco.

Hermione quickly runs to me giving me a hug.

"Are you okay, I heard your screams" she asks, I nodded.

Ron and Harry gives me hugs before Draco pulls me into a hug.

"Julia I'm sorry" Draco says, I laugh softly.

"It's okay.." I said

"Go quickly!" Narcissa tells us, We all ran away from the Malfoy Manor.


Professor Snape helps my arm before letting me go.

"Julia, I'm sorry" he tells me.

"It's okay.." I said, he nods then I leave the room before I saw Draco standing outside.

He pulls me into a hug.

I laugh softly hugging him back.

"I know it's the wrong time but I really like you and I just wanted to ask you If you would like to be my girlfriend?" He asks.

I smile as I feel my cheeks heat up, "Yes" I told him, He gives me the biggest smile before kissing my cheek.

[ thank you for this request julia! such a good suggestion, I hope you like this if you don't like it you can go ahead message me and request me another one! :) but for everyone I hope you guys enjoy this also! ]

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