muggle world.

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draco had stayed over at my house for like a few weeks before Hogwarts starts again.

I live in a muggle home in a muggle world, I walked inside the house with Draco as my parents drove off for there business trip.

"wow, this place is nice." draco says while he walks around the house.

"thank you." I smiled going to the kitchen.

"what is that?" he asks pointing at big flat screen TV.

"a tv, its where you can watch news and movies" I explained while opening bottle of water.

he nods as we went upstairs to my room,
as I walk in my room I looked around seeing it was the same when I left for hogwarts.

"my phone!" I excitedly said picking it up looking through to respond to any of my friends.

"woah another tv?" he asks looking at my phone, I laugh at his comment.

"It's not a tv it's a phone. it's a iphone like I can text,call,play games and watch videos on here." I explained to him giving him my phone.

"is that your friends?" he asks showing my lock screen, I nodded as he looked through more.

he lays down on my bed as I laugh at him.

"well you can look around my room if you want I wanna shower and change, we are going to the mall." I smiled at him.

"how? how are gonna get there." he asks.

"a car?" I weirdly said.

"you can drive?!" he asks me shocked.

"i'm sixteen draco" I laugh at him.

"wow i never knew this" he says, I laugh at him even more.

"don't mess up anything in my room you can look around but i'm gonna go shower" I said, he nods as I smile.

* 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ * 。⋆

getting out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel, I look to see draco looking at portrait of me and him.

"that's very cute." he says, I laugh as he walks over to me hug me.

"wow you smell great you smell like strawberry." he says smelling my wet hair, I laugh pushing him playfully.

"you wanna change?" I ask.

"we're going?" he asks.

"yes." I responded grabbing my phone putting it in my pocket.

"what do you have?" he asks, I look through my closet, I see a pair of hoodie and joggers that my brother mark had left here.

"I mean it is cold outside so here." I said tossing it on the bed, he takes off his shirt as I grab my keys and wallet.

"i'll wait." I said sitting on my bed, he quickly changed before looking into the mirror.

"here are some shoes" I said, he puts it on looking in the mirror.

"you look great." I said, he smirks as I push him out the room playfully leaving.

* 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ * 。⋆

as I parked my car we both got out of the car.

"this place is huge." he says, I smile as we held hand in hand into the mall.

we walked around buying some stuff for him and me.

"these shoes are nice thank you" he says pecking my lips, I kissed back.

"no problem, you want food?" I ask.

"yes!" he says, I laugh dragging him to the food courts.

"there's chinese food,burgers and pizza." I told him.

"I want pizza i've seen them i wanna try them so bad." he says, I nodded as we order.

We brought the food over to table setting down our stuff, draco takes a slice taking a bite.

"this is so good oh my gosh." he says taking more bites I laugh at his cuteness.

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