Chapter 1

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The smell of the smoke surrounding King's Cross Station has been engraved in my mind ever since my first year at Hogwarts.

The sound of bustling people, running around, saying goodbye to their parents and lugging their trunks onto the train was like music to my ears. 

I was finally home. 

Before I made it to Platform 9 3/4, I was quite nervous to begin my fifth year at Hogwarts. I wasn't the most popular girl in school, and preferred to blend into the background. I didn't mind not being noticed.

But over the summer, I started to make some new friends. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Being friends with Harry Potter changed the life of blending in. He was 'The Chosen One' and everyone would stop to stare at him and his friends. It was very different. 

Over the summer, I've noticed some changes about myself. My body has slimmed and my hips have become curvier. I became much better at makeup and knew how to exentuate certain features of my face. I've become more confident, which is a nice change. 

Being in Slytherin, and now being friends with Harry Potter has been... different. 

I get made fun of quite often for hanging out with the Gryffindorks, but I've gotten somewhat used to it. Draco and his minions have no problem shooting insults at me when we walk down the halls together. 

Harry and I started becoming friends towards the end of our fourth year. 

Harry needed help with the last task and (for no apparent reason) decided to offer to help him learn some spells.

I've always been quite good at Charms. 

I also have lots of friends in Slytherin but I hang around with Octavia, Ashton, Blaise and Draco.

Octavia has always been like a sister to me and Brent and I have been close for a long time. I'm close with Blaise too, but I've been close to Malfoy. He was always so irritable and stuck-up. It's hard to be friends with someone who already hates you. 

She is quite pretty with her hazel eyess and dark brown hair. If I'm being honest, I envy her beauty. But like I said, I've come to terms with the way I look over the summer and feel quite pretty myself.

When I Octavia saw me before she was about to get on the train, pure joy struck her face. She ran so fast towards me, I was nervous we would go flying when she hugged me. When her arms wrapped around my shoulders, I've never felt happier. I missed her so much.

That's when I saw Ashton running towards us too. 

He was pretty tall, around 6'0 with light brown hair and dark eyes. I had never noticed before, but he was truly handsome. He gave me a tight hug, and I hugged him back. When we released, I looked into his eyes, and a waft of familiarity came over me. I missed him.

As we boarded the train, all I could think was, "God, I missed this place."

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