Chapter 8

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                                               Draco Malfoy's Perspective

When Dumbledore walked into the common room, y/n looked like she was going to burst into tears.

She had clearly never had any boy be that close to her and I liked that. She was innocent in a way, and for some reason, that made her... appealing. 

Dumbledore had asked to speak to y/n, and I was assuming it would be about her skipping classes and about the rumour I spread about her. It was priceless. Everyone believed the stupid rumour and she was getting her punishment after slapping me. 

I tried to meet her eyes before she left, but she never looked up at me. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I could tell she was very nervous. 

A few moments after Dumbledore led her out of the common room, I followed after them. 

If I'm being honest, I didn't want y/n to get into too much trouble. I thought this rumour would've blown over by now, but people were still talking about it. I hoped it wasn't getting to her too much.

I stood outside of his office, listening to their conversation. 

As he asked her questions about why she was skipping classes, she was stuttering uncontrollably. 

I would never admit it out loud, but hearing her so nervous made me feel a little guilty about spreading the rumour. 

"No, you shouldn't think like that," I told myself.

Y/n meant nothing to me and she never will. 

I was just using her. 

That was all. 

Just to show that no matter how rude I was to her, I could turn her views about me around in a second. 

That's when he asked her what the rumour was about. 

Was she actually going to tell the truth?

"I-I... i-it was- uh."

She was stuttering like crazy. 

"It was that I slept with Professor Snape," she said, her voice shaking. 


I didn't realize she was close enough to Dumbledore to tell him the truth.

That's when I heard him laugh. 

But there was another voice...


Why was he there? 

Why was he already in the room if they didn't know the rumour had involved him?

They started talking about how stupid the rumour was, which was obvious. 

But they seemed, amused. Almost like it was completely impossible. 

Sure, y/n would never do it. It was very unlikely. But it wasn't like it could never happen. 

I heard Snape talking to y/n. 

"If only they knew," he said while chuckling.

What did that mean?

That's when the words I least expected to hear, came out of y/n's mouth. 

"You're right... father."

What. The. Fuck. 

Snape was y/n's father!?

She never spoke much about her family, or at least not around me, but I certainly did not expect him to be her dad. 

That's when I heard chairs moving, and the voices coming closer to the door. 

I was still trying to wrap my head around this. 

I couldn't believe it. 

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I heard their voices almost beside me. 

I ran around the corner of the hallway, just peeking out to see them. 

Y/n was smiling. 

I was glad she didn't get in trouble and that she didn't tell them it was me who spread the rumour. I didn't need another thing to deal with. 

When Dumbledore and Snape headed back to Dumbledore's office, y/n let out a sigh. 

But it wasn't a relieved sigh. 

It seemed almost... sad. 

I watched her slowly make her way back to the common room as I followed. 

She entered the common room a few minutes before me. I couldn't let her know I was listening to their conversation. 

I said the password and the stone wall shifted, leading to the common room. 

It was quite late, so I expected everyone to already be in bed. 

That's when I heard sniffling. 

It sounded like crying. 

I looked around the room.  

That's when I saw y/n in front of the fireplace. Her head was in her hands while her knees were pulled up to her chest. 


I didn't realize how affected she was by the insults people were saying to her. 

I slowly walked over to her. 

What was I doing? 

"Just go upstairs and don't waste your time on y/n," I tried to tell myself. But I continued to walk over to her. 

I lifted her chin so she was looking into my eyes. 

I could see the pain in them. 

The pain that I have dealt with every day for my entire life. 

Her eyes were filled with tears. I could tell she was trying to hold them back once she realized someone was in the room. 

I watched as one tear rolled down her cheek. 

I don't know what came over me. 

I shouldn't have done it.

I shouldn't spend any time on y/n, we've never even been friends. 

But I suddenly pulled her into a hug. 

She was reluctant at first, but slowly hugged me back tightly. 

I knew her pain, and no one was ever there for me. 

But I could be there. 

I needed her to know that I was there for her. 

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