Chapter 3

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The next morning was the first day of classes. I was nervous but excited. 

I woke up bright and early just to make sure I would look extra good for the first day. Thank Merlin I finally learned how to apply makeup. It was well needed. 

I had to physically shake Octavia to get her to wake up.

"Come on Octavia! You can't skip the first day of classes," I said, with an annoyed tone. 

"Why not? It's only orientation..." she replied.

"This is our fifth year, I wouldn't be surprised if we had homework by the end of the day," I said, rolling my eyes in a playful way. 

"If we have homework, I will be crawling into a ball and dying," Octavia said, in a tired voice. 

I pulled her out of bed and got her outfit out for her. 

"Thank youuuu y/n," she said, gratefully. 

At around 8:00 am, we headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. As we were walking, Octavia and I split up so she could sit with one of her other friends. As I was walking I saw Ron, shortly ahead of me and jogged to walk with him. 

"Good morning, Ron," I said with a smile. 

"Good morning, y/n," he replied, "I don't want to go to class!" He whined. 

"None of us want to, Ronald, but we, unfortunately, have to," I said, giggling. 

As Ron and I continued to walk towards the Great Hall, Malfoy and his minions emerged from a nearby hall. Ron and I continued to walk, determined to ignore Malfoy. As Ron and I were walking, Malfoy suddenly appeared beside me, and before I knew it, he stuck his leg out in front of my feet causing me to fall directly on my face. 

If that wasn't embarrassing enough, when I picked myself up, I realized my nose was bleeding profusely. Ron grabbed my arm. 

"Bloody hell, y/n, are you alright?" He asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I replied, laughing it off.

Ron ran to one of the nearby bathrooms to grab some tissues to stop the bleeding. That's when I heard Malfoy and his minions laughing at me. I felt very angry. Why was he being such a pest to me already?

"Oops, sorry, Undergrove," he says. He didn't even attempt to sound genuine. 

I don't know came over me, but before I knew it, my hand was stinging and Malfoy's cheek was suddenly red. 

I just slapped Draco Malfoy. 

He touched his cheek lightly with his hand. He looked very angry. He walked right up to me, only a few inches away from my face. 

"You're going to regret that," he said, through gritted teeth. 

I could feel the adrenaline running through my veins and I looked right into his eyes. I then turned around to see Ron laughing from afar. I started laughing too, and replied, "Oh, will I?" 

He and his minions walked away, and Ron handed me some tissues. 

I really am going to regret that, aren't I?

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