Chapter 15

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                                                       Draco's Perspective

"Oh, of course, you let Snape in. Here comes daddy to the rescue."

My heart dropped. 

Did I really say that out loud? 

Y/n is going to hate me. 

I didn't mean to, it just sort of... slipped out. 

When I'm angry, I tend to say things I regret. This was one of those times. 

Everyone's faces widened with shock, mine as well. Everyone was looking at me, including y/n, her face washed over with hurt and fear. 

The only person not looking at me was Snape. Maybe he didn't hear it? If y/n didn't want anyone to know, I'm guessing the same thing goes for Snape. 

I was just standing there, not sure of what to say. My hands were shaking. 

What was I thinking? I was so angry when I heard the things Diggory had said to y/n. The way his body was close to hers, the way he started to lean into her... I hated it, and I hated him. 

Y/n made me feel different than any other girl ever had. She had this effect on me that I couldn't explain. I'd had several random hookups in the past and didn't feel anything afterward, but being around y/n made me feel different. Just looking at her made my stomach do somersaults. Her gorgeous short, blonde hair, and the way it brushed against her cheeks. Her beautiful hazel eyes, that were always sparkling. 

As I remembered when she had walked in and saw me kissing Pansy, the sparkle that was always shining in her eyes had disappeared. 

And I caused it. 

I was snapped out of my trance when Granger slammed the door right in my face. 

I always hated her. 

How was I supposed to explain this? I had already ruined everything by kissing Pansy, but now everyone knew that Snape was her father. But I couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if y/n and Diggory hadn't heard me walking behind them at the old oak tree. Would he have kissed her? Would she have kissed back?

I could feel the heat rising to my face. 

I hated thinking about her with him. I hated thinking about her with anyone. Of course, my anger had gotten the better of me and I kissed Pansy. I regretted every moment of it. 

I walked into the common room and sat down in front of the fire. 

I remembered following her through the stone wall that one night after I found out that Snape was her father. She had been sitting exactly where I was, crying. 

I had never seen her cry before that, and I had known her since our first day at Hogwarts. I could tell she was uncomfortable when I first walked in. She never cried in front of anyone. 

I missed hugging her. 

I missed the feeling of her skin against mine. I missed her body relaxing and falling asleep in my arms. 

I had never been affectionate with anyone before her. She made me feel vulnerable, which scared me. But when I was around her, I felt safe and didn't mind showing my true self. 

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