Chapter 14

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"I can't believe that just happened."

"Oh shut up Cedric, this was all your fault."

"Guys, look, I think she's waking up."

My eyes slowly fluttered open to the bright sunlight shining in through my dorm room windows. 

How did I get here?

If I'm being honest, I didn't really remember much. I remember, practically screaming at Cedric and then... nothing. 

What had happened to me?

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the bright light, I realized several people were crowded over me. I noticed Hermione, Ron, and Harry's faces which made me feel safe. But when I locked eyes with Cedric, I suddenly felt uncomfortable. 

Did he not get the hint? He was an asshole, and I didn't want to be anywhere near him. Why was he even here?

No one really said anything at first, just stared at me with worry. I finally spoke up, feeling groggy. 

"First of all, what happened to me? And second, what is he doing here?" I asked while looking directly at Cedric. 

Everyone turned to look at him as well, as his face had a wash of guilt spread across it. We all looked at him expectantly, awaiting an answer. He looked between all of us, trying to find the right words to say. 

"I-I..." he started, but couldn't finish as Hermione cut him off. 

"Are you feeling alright, y/n? She asked. 

"Uhm... yeah I guess so, but could you guys explain what's going on?" I asked, feeling nervous. "I can't really remember anything." 

Everyone was staring at me, but I had nothing to say. 

"Well," Ron started, "basically you yelled, a lot, at Cedric, and then started to have a panic attack... and we weren't really sure what to do, so Harry cast a sleeping spell on you."

"You started to panic, it was the only thing I thought of at the moment," Harry added. 

"We were so worried. What happened to you?" She asked, staring at me. 

All of these faces staring at me, made me feel uneasy. They definitely heard what I had said to Cedric, and didn't want to further embarrass myself by retelling the story. 

I took the heels of my hands and pressed them to my eyes, not knowing what to say. I trusted Hermione, Ron, and Harry, but not Cedric. I already told him what had happened in the heat of my screaming, but didn't want to go into further detail while he was still around. 

"Cedric, I'd like you to leave," I suddenly stated. 

Everyone's head turned to look at him. An emotion flashed over his eyes. 


I felt slightly guilty but shrugged the feeling off once I remembered he was the reason I was in this state. But before he could say anything, I heard yelling coming from the common room. Loud footsteps, coming closer to my dorm room door started, and not before long, loud bangs were echoing through the door and shouts were coming from behind it. 

"Where is she? Is she alright? I need to see her!"

I'd recognize that voice anywhere. 


I wanted to see him. I was enraged with him but missed his face. His soft hair, smooth skin, and his dazzling, grey eyes.

I caught him kissing a girl, and still wanted to see him. Merlin, this boy had taken a toll on me. 

Hermione hurried towards the door and opened it slightly, not enough for me to see him. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked, with a sass in her tone. 

"I want... I need to see her. Is she ok, I heard she had a panic attack or something," he told her, his voice shaking. 

"Yes, that's correct. She did have a panic attack. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but you're partly the cause of this and she does not want to see you right now," Hermione replied, strongly. 

I heard him sigh loudly. 

I was too tired to say anything, so I just listened to them speaking to one another.

"I know, I know, but I-I just need to talk to her," he replied, trying to open the door. 

"She already has a lot on her mind right now and she definitely doesn't need you to burden her anymore," she replied, anger in her tone as she struggled to hold the door back. 

I could hear Draco's breaths becoming louder. 



"Damn it, Hermione!" He yelled while hitting the door. "Please let me see her."

Before Hermione could respond, I heard another voice outside of the room. It was much deeper than Draco's. 


"Let me in, Miss. Granger, I need to make sure Miss. Undergrove is alright," he barked at Hermione. She listened and opened the door for Snape, just enough that I could see Draco's face. There was a mixture of worry and anger sprawled across it. 

Everyone in the room turned to look at Snape entering and Draco waiting impatiently outside the room. Before the door closed on Draco, he said one last thing.  As soon as he said it, he regretted it and everyone's face widened with shock at his last comment. 

"Oh, of course, you let Snape in. Here comes daddy to the rescue."

Did Malfoy really just imply, in front of everyone, that Snape was my father?


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