Chapter 16

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My eyes slowly start to flutter open. 

It was a peaceful morning. The sun was shining, a cold breeze coming into my room through the, slightly open, window. 

I lay in my bed for a while, basking in the warmth of my soft bedsheets. 

I suddenly remembered. 

I'm late for class. 

I sat up quickly, frantically looking around for the time, when I noticed Hermione looking at me, confused. 

"Hermione! What are you doing here? We have to get to class!" I shouted, knowing I was going to get detention. 

I started to get up from my bed when Hermione quickly ran over to me, placing me back down. She started to quietly giggle. 

"Calm down, y/n. It's Saturday," she said, trying to suppress her laughter. 

My shoulders immediately slumped, and my body slightly relaxed. 

Thank Merlin. 

Before I could completely relax, all the thoughts from the day before had come flooding back. 

Cedric pretending to like you, Draco kissing Pansy, the panic attack and... 

Everyone knowing Snape was my father. 

I was trying not to stress out, but it was becoming more and more difficult. I'd made a fool of myself several times the past couple of weeks, and now my 'big secret' was out. 

Thanks to Draco. 

I knew I couldn't trust him. 

I always let my guard down around him, and now I regretted it. He knew a lot about me, and I bet he wouldn't hesitate to tell anyone about my 'mommy issues' as well. 

After a little while, Hermione spoke, softly. 

"So, about what Malfoy said..." She started. "Is it true?" 

She looks at me expectantly. 

The secret was already out, there was no use in denying it. 

"Yeah... yeah, it's true," I replied, not making eye contact. 

I heard a small sigh escape her mouth. I could tell she wanted to ask more questions, but I wasn't ready to answer them. She must've noticed that when she looked at me because she got up and headed towards the door. She opened it, about to leave, but not before she turned back to look at me. 

"I'm not sure if this helps at all, but Malfoy says he's very sorry," she said, sadly. 

Of course, he did. 

Of course, he told Hermione instead of me because he was too much of a coward to face conflict. He probably didn't even mean it. 

Hermione then spoke up one more time. 

"The secret's already out. You can choose to stay up in your room all weekend and not face it, or you can get dressed, walk out of here like a badass, and show everyone that this doesn't define you." 

And then she left. 

                                                                         * * * *

I took my time to get dressed. 

I put on a white, collared, button-up shirt with my Slytherin crewneck over it, with black mom jeans and black boots. 

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