Chapter 13

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I stood there. 

Just staring at both of them. 

Watching his hands glide over her smooth skin while her fingers played with his now messy hair.

 I could tell this wasn't their first time kissing.

I backed up a little, stumbling after watching that unfold and knocked over a bottle of ink that was on one of the boys' desks. 

They both stopped what they were doing and looked at me. 

I stared back. 

I then hear Pansy's bitchy voice for the first time since walking in. 

"What are you looking at, freak?" She spat, laughing louder. 

We may have both been in Slytherin, but we never got along. 

I then noticed she wasn't the only one laughing. Malfoy was laughing too. 

What the hell? This wasn't fucking funny. 

I knew they were expecting me to start crying and run away, feeling heartbroken. But I was stronger than that. 

I was so angry, especially at Malfoy. It was stupid of me to think he would ever care about anyone besides himself. 

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, for the second time that day. My hands were starting to shake and the adrenaline was coursing through my veins. 

I quickly walked over to both of them. Pansy let go of Draco and crossed her arms, almost like she was expecting me to do something. 

She was right. 

Before I knew it, my hand curled into a fist and I felt a sting in my knuckles. I heard a crack and a cry of pain. I stared at her face, blood gushing from her nose. I noticed her nose was now slightly crooked as her hands rushed up to clutch her face. Her screams of pain were loud, but I didn't care. 

I expected Malfoy to quickly rush her side and take her to the hospital wing, but all he did was stare at me, his jaw slightly ajar. 

I met his eyes and walked right up to him, my face only a few inches from his. 

I looked at him for a few moments with a disgusted look written across my face. 

"Fuck. You," I said, slowly walking out of the room, not bothering to look back and see what his reaction was. 

As I walked through the halls, I couldn't let anyone know how much it had hurt me to see Malfoy kissing Pansy. Sure, we weren't together, but I thought I may had been starting to develop feelings for him. How could I let myself feel like that? 

I could feel the tears pooling in my eyes, but didn't dare let one fall. I wasn't the girl to cry over something I'd never had.

I walked outside and headed towards the black lake, trying not to seem rushed. I just needed to be alone. 

I told myself I wasn't going to cry. Not even when I was alone.  

I quickly arrived and sat down on the ground in front of it. This was the place I liked to go when I needed to get away. 

I sat there, looking out at the large lake, feeling... well, nothing really. I didn't know how to feel. I couldn't be sad because Malfoy and I weren't together, but I wasn't happy. I didn't really feel anything at all. 

I suddenly heard footsteps nearing closer to me, but didn't bother to look at who it was. 

I then heard Hermione, Ron, and Harry's concerned voices whispering behind me. I was glad they were here but wasn't looking forward to explaining this to them. 

They sat beside me, not saying anything. 

We sat there for a while, looking ahead of us, listening to the sound of the peaceful waves washing in. I rested my head on Ron's shoulder and felt Hermione and Harry's hands brushing against my arm, letting me know they were all there for me. 

Hermione then spoke up for the first time in 10 minutes. 

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" She asked, softly. 

I didn't. But I trusted them. 

I slowly raised my head off of Ron's shoulder and looked at all of them. Worried looks were dawned across all of their faces. Why did it always seem like I was the cause of their worry?

I didn't say anything for a while, trying to think of what to say. They would be upset that I had been spending time with Draco and would tell me to stay away from him, just like Cedric had. 

As I was thinking of Cedric, I heard another pair of footsteps arriving behind us. I looked around this time, and saw, of course, Cedric walking towards us. 

I really didn't want to deal with him right now. 

I snapped my head back around and sat there, hoping he would just turn around and walk away. But I knew he didn't once I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. He was trying to be nice, but I didn't care. I was furious with him.

 I pushed his hand quickly off my shoulder and stood up to face him. He looked extremely guilty, but I didn't seem notice. I just started to yell. 

"What are you doing here? Oh, right, you're here to apologize. Well, you better just turn around and leave right now because I don't give a shit about your 'apology.' If you hadn't done that to me, maybe Draco wouldn't have been kissing Pansy. Maybe, just maybe, things would be the way they were before, and I would actually have a chance with him. But of course, you had to go and ruin that. I-," I started to say, but suddenly couldn't. 

I was trying to speak, but no words came out. 

I could feel my hands shaking, along with my legs. 

I suddenly realized that I hadn't taken a breath and started to, but couldn't catch any air. 

I started to panic and was desperately trying to breathe in the oxygen, but I couldn't feel it. 

I felt many hands rushing over to me. I heard loud voices but they were muffled. What was happening to me? I couldn't breathe. 

The last thing I heard were Ron's hurried footsteps, running across the rocky ground and Harry screaming something to him. 

And then... black. 

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