Chapter 7

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When Professor Dumbledore came through the doors, my heart dropped. 

Did he see what we were doing?

Why was he in the Slytherin common room?

He walked over towards Malfoy and me, with a soft smile on his face. He passed right by Malfoy and walked straight towards me.


He probably knows I've been skipping classes. 

"Ah, good evening y/n and Draco!" He said to both of us, looking quite amused. 

"Good evening, sir," Malfoy replied. 

I tried to say something, but words wouldn't form. Was it getting hot in here?

"I'm terribly sorry to barge in on you, but I was wondering if I could have a word with you in my office," he said, staring directly at me. 

I slowly nodded my head and refused to make eye contact with Malfoy as I left the room. 

As we walked to Dumbledore's office, I was wondering what he wanted to talk about. There were several things I could think of. The rumour, skipping classes, not going to dinner. I just hoped I wasn't in trouble. 

I had been in his office before. Rows and rows of books, the sorting hat, paintings on the walls...

 Professor Snape. 


Looks like we'll be talking about the rumour.

"Please, take a seat, y/n." His hands motioned towards a chair sitting opposite his desk. 

I sat down, my hands shaking. 

I hated confrontation. 

"I was just wondering why you've been skipping classes, Miss. Y/n," Dumbledore asked, politely. 

"Uhm... th-there was a rumour spread abo-about me so I was waiting f-for people to st-stop talking about i-it."

Merlin, why was I stuttering so much? I guess I'm still shaken up by the events that happened in the common room only minutes before this. 

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the rumour about?" Dumbledore asked. 

This was going to be embarrassing. 

I could feel my cheeks starting to turn red. How was I supposed to say this when Snape was standing only a few feet from me?

"I-I... i-it was- uh."

'Stop stuttering y/n, just take deep breaths,' I told myself. 

"It was that I slept with Professor Snape," I said, shakily. 

I looked at them with worried eyes, until they both started to laugh. 

Thank Merlin, they weren't angry. 

I shared a small smile and chuckled as well. 

"I am terribly sorry that that is being said about you, but it is utterly ridiculous," he said, with a wide smile. 

I smiled in return. 

Snape walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. 

"If only they knew," he chuckled. 

So did I. 

No one really understood why this rumour was so stupid. 

"You're right... father."

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